The top 1% of earners pay 27% of the taxes in the UK pal. Almost 50% of the workforce pay no tax.
Mark Zuckerburg and Rupert Murdoch like this comment
Trust @balbec to side with the billionaires
I bet he thinks they’re oppressed, a bit like Harry Arter does
Next he’ll be slamming Jeremy Corbyn for breaking his promise to pump an extra £350m into the NHS every week, the one he plastered all over the side of that bus
Ayn Rand has a lot to answer for
Billiionaires paying 27% of tax, how worrying for them that some people cant afford to pay any. How do these billionaires sleep at night at all with all this worry
They’re so oppressed, terribly, terribly oppressed
It’s just not fair, if only they had people in power to represent their interests
@balbec’s “fact” is also untrue
He’s pulled the old trick of conflating income tax with all tax
Propaganda never sleeps
Free guitars for everyone!
If only they could form a union, or something
Oh wait, they’re called “think tanks” and lobby groups
You’re not striking a chord here and are badly out of tune
Hand crafted I hope
Notable how guests are giving Emilys Qs an extra couple of seconds before responding since Saturday
Eddie O’Sullivan lookalike playing Goebbels for the Tories here
Emily haranguing Gardiner here after he had the decency to show up not like the coward tories
Moggys sister looks proper dirt
She mugged Farage off good and proper.
I’m all for the feminization of politics
There’s something very sexy about this Salma Shah one
Whatshisname from Sky News has joined the team now I see. Top class poaching this
His name is Lewis Goodall :