The Next McGeady?

From today’s Irish Independent - surprisingly well written and informative article. Goes to show as well just how intolerant a place Scotland can be for Catholics, even in this day and age. The implication is clear that he loves living in Scotland but that the baggage that comes with being an Irish Catholic might be too much for him to endure there.

Face of the future

James McCarthy, pictured above and below, at his home in Glasgow was hugely influenced in his decision to play for Ireland by his grandfather and has impressed in their under-age teams

Friday December 21 2007

MARIE McCARTHY is getting used to the chore of welcoming strangers into her home and making them cups of tea. Rarely a day passes without some unknown face arriving onto her doorstep.

From the outside, their two storey home looks no different to any other in the vast working class housing estates on the outskirts of Glasgow. Within the four walls, however, there has been a wide array of visitors who have travelled from afar in search of their own Holy Grail.

That’s what happens when you house one of the most sought after teenage midfielders in European football. Seventeen-year-old James McCarthy may ply his trade with the modest artisans of Hamilton Academicals in the Scottish First Division but his prodigious talent has alerted every major scout in the game.

Representatives of all the top Premiership clubs have visited at some stage or another in a bid to secure the signature of the hottest property in Scotland. The locals claim that Hamilton’s average attendance has doubled with all the observers who come to watch the red haired central midfielder with a goalscoring touch.


As we speak in hushed tones in the kitchen while a surprise visitor from the BBC interviews James in the adjoining living room, Marie’s husband Willie explains that Brian Kidd had recently been in this spot bartering on Sheffield United’s behalf. For the hosts, it was a surreal experience.

The day after our meeting, a representative of Sunderland was on the guest list. And, in addition to the Premiership Big Four, there has even been a visitor from Spain where Barcelona and Deportivo La Coruna have been watching his progress with interest.

They are giddy times but the story has an added twist. He may be Glasgow born and bred in but the photos on the wall make it clear where his international allegiances lie. Fittingly, the postman drops by with a delivery of custom made football boots from Nike for his elder brother Paul. At the heel, the chosen emblem is the familiar tricolour of green white and gold.

McCarthy has declared for Ireland and is not for turning on the matter.

The natives aren’t happy but then maybe they don’t quite understand where he is coming from. Either way, they will have to accept it.

Paddy Coyle’s story was a common one amongst his generation. In the early 1930’s, as a teenager, he left his home in Donegal to move to Scotland in search of work and link up with some of those which had gone before him. Economical truths were told about his age in order to secure work labouring and doing whatever was needed to make a few bob.

He was the eldest of eight children and, as circumstance would have it, when he married he would father eight kids of his own. The family set up home in the Castlemilk area on the south east of the city, a part of town established by the local Corporation to find housing space for people living in the overcrowded inner city slums.

Over time, the area has developed considerably in terms of amenities for the locals and is unrecognisable from what it once was.

What has remained constant is the suburb’s distinctly Irish feel. The shop fronts and businesses bear names like McDaid and Farrell and other clans of Irish origin. In some respects, it has become a home away from home.

Throughout his life, Paddy never lost touch with the land he left behind. He’d been a handy enough GAA player in his day and represented Donegal at underage level so always kept in touch with their exploits.


In his new home, Glasgow Celtic and football became a passion and in his latter years, he took immense pleasure from Ireland qualifying for three World Cups and made sure that the ever extending family circle clearly understood the significance.

For the exiles of Castlemilk it had a special resonance as a central figure in those glory days was someone who had grown up just around the corner.

The Houghton family were near neighbours and Ray’s brother John had dated one of the Coyle sisters in their youth. To this day, the families remain in touch – albeit from afar as the Houghtons moved south with Ray when football took him there.

Not that the Coyle kids needed much reminding of their Irishness. Through their father’s storytelling and interests it was never far away.


Even as they grew up and flew the coop they were never too far from his side. All but one still live in the general area and, despite his passing, the offspring still gather every Saturday night in the family home to honour a tradition which was part of their upbringing.

Those Saturdays were special. The lads might go out for a pint while the women would stick around the house having a chat as the brood marauded around the place.

Now and again, there would be the odd singsong while some of the younger ones engaged in Irish dancing. It may sound like a cliche, but this was the reality for the tight knit Coyle clan and so much of the Irish diaspora who made this part of Glasgow their home.

Marie was the third born Coyle child and the first daughter. She grew up and married Willie McCarthy, a Scot who has Cork blood back in his family tree. They settled, unsurprisingly, in Castlemilk and have four children. First came Paul, then Brian, then Lisa and last in the line was James.

As it became abundantly clear that James was a special football talent, Paddy said nothing would make him happier than to see his grandson represent Ireland. Scotland had consistently dithered over including him in squads but when Sean McCaffrey was made aware of his availability two years ago he was on the next plane over and the rest, as they say, is history.

Sadly, Paddy would not be around to witness his dream come to fruition. Early last year, aged 89, he left this world with a dying wish that James would stay true to his Irish ambitions.

After making that promise, there was never any chance of James turning back. And there never will be.

What he didn’t expect was the furore that it would cause. He’s well used to being asked by the Scottish press about his intentions and a recent presentation of a Player of the Month award was hijacked and turned into a grilling on the topic.

“It’s always the same when you get an interview here in Scotland,” says James.

"They’re always asking so ‘what’s happening, are you going to change?’ and it’s at the stage now where I just say ‘we’ll see what happens’ to put them off and get them off my back.


“I won a Player of the Month Award but spent my entire time talking about that. But I’m happy where I’m at, with Ireland. The fuss can be annoying, but it doesn’t really bother me.”

He’d rather just play football. Yet the nastier side of the fall-out behind his decision has angered the family. At certain away grounds, they’ve sat and endured the pain of hearing abuse being rained down upon James with trips to Stirling and Partick in particular bringing back bad memories. To the uneducated, he is a traitor and many more unprintables.

After one particular game, Paul and Brian stumbled upon an internet forum where the accusation had been made that James had blessed himself twice during a match as means of provocation. It was absolutely groundless but the legacy of the courage of his convictions is that such innuendo is likely to follow him.

It would be diff-erent if he moved away from Scotland and privately his family are accepting of that fact. Realis-tically, it will come into the equation when big decisions are made in the New Year.

There are no regrets though. He has been involved in McCaffrey squads at under 17, under 18 and under 19 level and has settled into the group quickly, keeping in contact with his team-mates between call ups. Their camaraderie helped ahead of his first outing against Italy.

“They just laughed about everything that was going on around the time. Yeah, there was a wee bit of pressure and nerves but once I get on the park I don’t really get nervous.”

The last statement – like most of McCarthy’s words – is spoken softly rather than with youthful brashness. There is confidence in his ability, but no trace of arrogance. All the same, it is reassuring that when asked his opinion of the prodigy, ex-Dunferm-line boss Stephen Kenny speaks of his toughness on the park as a principal attribute.

His unassuming nature could fool one into possibly thinking that the necessary hard edge to mix it with the big boys might be lacking. On the other hand, it’s doubtful that any player – let alone one who made his debut at the tender young age of 15 – could excel in the tough world of the Scottish First Division without having the necessary aggression.

Personally he believes his two years scrapping it out have been a far better education than what would have awaited him at Celtic who opted not to take him on as they were over-subscribed numbers wise. Considering they are now amongst his suitors, it was an unfortunate call on their part.

“I was upset about it at the time but I just got on with it and it’s worked out better,” recalls McCarthy. “I’m playing first team with Hamilton and I’ve enjoyed it. The set up is great and it’s a fantastic stepping stone.”

After a flying start to the campaign, the Accies are fighting it out for top spot with Dundee. There’s a young nucleus to the squad which has made the bedding in process far easier than it might have been in different environments.


As a debt of gratitude to the faith his manager Billy Reid and all at the club have shown in him, McCarthy is desperate to stick around and deliver promotion even if he knows that there’s little prospect of him still being around for the SPL if that ambition is achieved.

Instead, he will be employed in more salubrious pastures but isn’t sure where. He has already spent time on trial with Reading, Celtic and Liverpool and enjoyed the various experiences. The opportunity to join the last and most illustrious of those was there in January but all concerned felt it would be better if he stuck around home a little bit longer.

“I didn’t want to leave home,” he concedes. "I’m happy here with the family, they keep my feet on the ground but at the end of the season I’ll see what happens.

I just enjoy being here at home but I know something might be around the corner.

“I leave it to my advisor (George Gray) to deal with it because I just want to concentrate on football. It’s good to be mentioned in the papers about who wants me and this and that. And, yeah, sometimes I might be lying in bed thinking about what might happen but I’ve got to focus on my football and not let the talk get to me.”

Instead, it’s Willie and Marie who are left to ponder the heart rendering decisions that have to be made. Like the Houghtons all those years ago, every offer from a club in England comes with the carrot of free accommodation for the family to ensure maximum stability for James. They accept that life as they know it may never be the same again.

The excitement about what may lie ahead is palpable but it’s tempered by the reason that comes with solid upbringing.

Promising teenagers who have been touted as the next big thing but disappeared just as quickly are ten a dozen. In football circles, though, there is strong belief that this kid can be one of the other two.

Paddy Coyle would be proud. His love for Ireland never wavered and now his legacy to his country will be stronger than he ever could have imagined when he headed for the boat all those years ago.

As James knows more than most, home is truly where the heart is.

James McCarthy: Factfile of a star in the making
Born: November 12, 1990: Glasgow

Club: Hamilton Academicals

Position: Central Midfield

Appearances: 46

Goals: 7

Debut: September 30, 2006 v Queen of the South

Ireland Debut: January 23, 2007 Ireland U-17 v Italy

What they say about him

Billy Reid, Hamilton manager: “I have heard a lot of young players getting hyped up over the years and for any youngster to be compared to established international stars is unfair but this isn’t just hype with James. We have something special.”

Sean McCaffrey, Ireland youth boss: “There’s no question James has all the attributes needed to become a top player. He’s special but his next career move is very important.”

What he says about the future

“I just want to concentrate on football. It’s good to be mentioned in the papers about who wants me and this and that. And, yeah, sometimes I might be lying in bed thinking about what might happen, but I’ve got to focus on my football and not let the talk get to me.”

George Burley has been appointed as the new Scotland manager this morning. He was just on Sky Sports News there stating that the first thing he plans on doing before even thinking about the senior side is to get in contact with James McCarthy and his family and his club in order to try to get him to declare for Scotland.

Hopefully he will have no luck. From all McCarthy’s comments though it seems as if he is determined to play for Ireland so not overly worried.

Yeah he seems determined to play for Ireland and hopefully this just clarifies it once and for all.

It shouldn’t need clarification though. Poor move from Burley imo. If he wants him to play for Scotland there are better ways of doing it than going through the media. Only heaps more pressure on McCarthy if he continues to play his football in Scotland.

Completely agree with you. It doesn’t need clarification but hopefully he tells them to feck off and maybe they’ll leave him be then. Unlikely though, I’m sure he’ll still get abuse and that will force him out of Scotland anyway.

From today’s Independent. Celtic are closely monitoring him again this season and Strachan’s been to see Hamilton on a number of occasions and he’s by no means ‘unlikely to consider a move to Parkhead’ despite what Sledgehammer’s mate says:

Real and Bayern join hunt for wonderkid McCarthy

By Daniel McDonnell
Tuesday March 18 2008

LEADING European giants Real Madrid and Bayern Munich have joined the posse of clubs on the trail of Irish wonderkid James McCarthy.

The Scottish-born 17-year-old is set to leave Scottish Division One club Hamilton in the summer. A number of Premier League clubs are already vying for his signature and now Real Madrid and Bayern have serious intentions about signing the central midfielder.

Bayern sent representatives to watch McCarthy on duty for the Irish U-18s last November when he impressed by scoring twice in a 3-2 victory over Germany.

Real Madrid have been to Scotland on two occasions to watch him in action and have sought further information about the teenager in the form of DVDs of his games for Ireland.

A big decision lies ahead in the summer for McCarthy and his family, with the teenager having already rejected a move to Liverpool last year as he felt it would be too soon to move away from his Glasgow home.

Instead, he stayed with Hamilton, who are currently six points clear at the top of their division and hot favourites for promotion to the SPL.

McCarthy has spent some time on the substitutes bench in recent weeks due to the large amount of games he played earlier in the campaign for one so young but that hasn’t lessened interest.

Numerous Premier League clubs – including Manchester United, Arenal, Chelsea and Liverpool – have been to watch him play this season. Roy Keane’s Sunderland are also very interested – they have already made a play for his services – while Reading would like to add him to their Irish contingent.

Celtic, too, are keen but they rejected McCarthy as a youngster and it appears most unlikely that he will consider a move to Parkehad.

Saw he got picked in the latest Under 19 squad which is good news - hopefully means he told the SFA to feck off.

Article from the Irish Sunday Mirror below. Apebhoy from the Huddleboard says he has had contact from Madrid. Difficult to know how much of the publicity around him is just hype.

TERRACE BULLIES could force one of the greatest young footballing talents in Scotland out of the country.
Celtic-fan James McCarthy once dreamed of pulling on the Hoops but now looks certain to head to England, Spain or Germany as his family have tired of the abuse received since he decided to play international football for Ireland.
The 17-year-old Hamilton Academical player is rated as one of Europe’s best young players and has been tracked by Chelsea, Liverpool, Barcelona and most recently Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.
Agent George Gray claimed: “He’s the next best thing to come out of Scotland since Kenny Dalglish. Football people know that.”
And it appears he may make the move this summer as abusive fans target him for the ‘crime’ of playing for Ireland.
His family have endured the abuse being rained down upon James with away trips to Stirling and Patrick particularly offensive.
Privately they accept the teenager’s life would be easier if he moved abroad. “It would mean an easier life for him,” a source close to the family said, “the family are becoming tired of the attention his decision has brought and would rather not have to put up with it by staying in Scotland.”
McCarthy grew up in Castlemilk, outside Glasgow, but his grandparents were from Donegal and it was his dying grandfather’s wish that James play for the land of his birth.
The decision prompted much discussion among the media but earned even more attention on the terraces.
In 2006, when just 15, McCarthy’ received torrents of abuse online and it has since progressed to pitches around Scotland

Article below is from the Irish Sunday Mirror. Apebhoy on the HB says talks have been held with Madrid. Hard to know how much of this is just hype.

TERRACE BULLIES could force one of the greatest young footballing talents in Scotland out of the country.
Celtic-fan James McCarthy once dreamed of pulling on the Hoops but now looks certain to head to England, Spain or Germany as his family have tired of the abuse received since he decided to play international football for Ireland.
The 17-year-old Hamilton Academical player is rated as one of Europe’s best young players and has been tracked by Chelsea, Liverpool, Barcelona and most recently Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.
Agent George Gray claimed: “He’s the next best thing to come out of Scotland since Kenny Dalglish. Football people know that.”
And it appears he may make the move this summer as abusive fans target him for the ‘crime’ of playing for Ireland.
His family have endured the abuse being rained down upon James with away trips to Stirling and Patrick particularly offensive.
Privately they accept the teenager’s life would be easier if he moved abroad. “It would mean an easier life for him,” a source close to the family said, “the family are becoming tired of the attention his decision has brought and would rather not have to put up with it by staying in Scotland.”
McCarthy grew up in Castlemilk, outside Glasgow, but his grandparents were from Donegal and it was his dying grandfather’s wish that James play for the land of his birth.
The decision prompted much discussion among the media but earned even more attention on the terraces.
In 2006, when just 15, McCarthy’ received torrents of abuse online and it has since progressed to pitches around Scotland

Scored for Hamilton at the weekend after being on the bench for a few games. Cracking prospect according to anyone who has seen him regularly but of course it could still all go wrong. Delighted he’s with Ireland though.

Don’t see him signing for Celtic due to the whole sectarianism in Scotland side of things. Think he’d be tempted to stay with Hamilton if/when they get promoted and then he can leave after another year.

By the way that article above is old stuff rehashed. Those quotes from a “family source” aren’t new and I saw an interview with McCarthy at the weekend where he saw the dying grandfather thing was a myth.

Did he say anything of note in that interview? Annoying the way journalists can get away with printing a ‘story’ that has no new information in it and is relying on readers ignorance as much as anything else.

Not much. Basically said that he had said once that it would have made his grandfather very proud if he played for Ireland, but there was no promise made on a deathbed. Also said that he read the quotes from Billy Stark about getting him to change his allegiance to Scotland and that he read that Stark said “I’ll call him immediately on it.” But McCarthy said nobody contacted him then, nobody has contacted him since and it’s all irrelevant because he’s made up his mind and he’s playing for Ireland.

Said he hadn’t thought about his future much at all, that he’d sit down with Hamilton at the end of the year and if people were interested and if Hamilton were happy then he’d consider moving but he didn’t want to move for the sake of it.

He spoke highly of Gerrard when he was at Liverpool training. He said that after training he was sitting on his own eating because the youth team players were in the gym or somewhere and McCarthy had been training with the first team instead but Gerrard saw he was on his own and left his mates to sit with him.

Also said that there was an offer in for him from Liverpool that Hamilton accepted but he turned it down because he didn’t want to move to England for the sake of it. But he did say that he hopes to play in the EPL one day.

He appears to be an excellent prospect and we can be very grateful that he has declared for us. Fuck knows why, i wonder is he having second thoughts considering Scotland’s mini-resurgance of recent years.

There’s a few reasons behind it Dunph but the main one is Scotland weren’t interested. He claims they didn’t bother with him because he was only at Hamilton so once Ireland showed an interest he committed to them.

Scotland certainly have a problem at underage level when they’re losing the likes of McGeady, Jim O’Brien and James McCarthy to Ireland. All would feel that the youth structures in Scotland were badly setup for different reasons and all chose to go for Ireland instead.

Fuck off Butcher!

McCarthy rumoured to be courted by Scotland

Scotland assistant manager Terry Butcher has welcomed the prospect of Hamilton youngster James McCarthy defecting from the Republic of Ireland to the Scots.

The talented teenager has already been capped at under-21 level by the Don Givens. McCarthy qualifies for Ireland because of his Donegal grandfather.

But unconfirmed reports today claim Scottish Football Association chiefs have held initial talks with his club Hamilton and the player about him switching allegiance to the country of his birth.

‘Scotland are interested in taking on board any quality player and he certainly is a quality player,’ said Butcher.

'He’s had a great season so far and a great career so far, albeit a short one.

'We are looking at players who are probably more of a senior level, players like Kris Commons and James Morrison, who are established.

'But, if you can get ahead of the game and get players on board at an early stage, I’m all for that.

'Aiden McGeady was one that was missed before but hopefully McCarthy won’t be.

'It’s down to the player at the end of the day, he has the ultimate choice.

‘It’s nice when you have a lot of countries chasing you but hopefully he will turn out for Scotland and hopefully that will mean being part of a squad who is playing well, winning matches, and qualifying for tournaments.’

any reason as to why macarthy would want to switch back to scotland…is he unhappy with the ireland set up…no better man than don givnes to drive him away if he is…

Don’t think he’s unhappy at all.

Was reading an interview with him recently in You Boys in Green go to pages 8 and 9 - pretty sure he’s not changing his mind and it looks like a nothing story. There’s never been anything from the guy himself to suggest he’d even contemplate changing his mind.

Today Fm were reporting that he was on the verge of declaring for Scotland earlier. Doesn’t appear to be much in the story. Burley said previously that the first thing he was going to do when he was appointed was to approach McCarthy and get him to change his mind. You’d think that if he was going to turn his back on Ireland he would have done so by now.