The north/really good looking fellas

Have to agree,an embarrassment at times- fucking drink in everything we do / celebrate

Peace progress as you put it,like jobs etc only came to the ,“nice” parts of the 6 counties- the Creggan/ Bog/Lurgan/ Sandy Row etc,all the areas that needed/ need investment/ jobs, working class areas without work

I think the vast majority of northern catholics would view Fitzgerald, Bruton, kenny etc as cap doffing unprincipled west brits when it came to the north. I thought varadkar/coveney had a bit more about them, bolstered by the Eu and wary of SF as they are…
Foster’s a mercenary stooge alright - her main backer is a respectable member of the legal profession who was also a key member of ‘the committee’. He would have been cosy enough with the most extreme ends of portadown loyalism.
SF seem to have shot themselves in the foot by picking their figureheads based on market research or demographics. There’s going to come a point where some form of leadership is needed to present and negotiate a way towards a border poll. Ml seems to think childish prevarication is what’s called for.


Leo and company are a middle class gang of posh boys who know or understand fuck all or care ref the 6 counties,and have more in common with the DUP than the vast working class SF vote

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You might well be right, maybe the same could be said for Mary Lou?

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I would have thought so.
If you have a unionist politician who is looking out for the same things as a nationalist politician, they can work together but sooner or later one will want to reinforce the union, the other break it, so what do they do? Join SF or DUP…

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The dup know the game’s up, ultimately they’ll continue to put the cash before the sash- they’ve practically been looting the place as it is.


Put a piece on twitter ref DUP candidate linked to a major drugs bust a few years ago/ and another at a “c” company remembrance do lately, shower of whures

Funny enough, if years ago now, I met Seán McPhilemy a few times. Nice, interesting man.

Historically FG and FF have always used the fate of the Northern nationalists as pawns to score points down south.

I don’t think there’s anything SF can do to restore the assembly first so long as the DUP are in “power” in Westminster. This talk of “people are furious as to how SF have gotten away with this” is scandalous.


FG acting like that just irks me something terrible as it gives credence to the DUP’s insincerity, intransigence and obstructionist antics, and allows them to argue that SF are at fault for the impasse in the north. As I say, I see it as sacrificing nationalists in the north for the sake of getting opinion poll boosts in the south. So much for Varadkar saying that northern nationalists wouldn’t be left behind. I’m an Independents 4 Change man these days.


I must admit that I can’t see the blame for this going on the lack of power sharing at the moment having much logic. I can understand the priest taking the opportunity to try to push it but seems a bit simple to me. A lot of people seem to be pushing their “why” spin onto it, I saw one person replying to the Priest speech saying the “why” was a lack of gay marriage, which is a bit baffling.

You can blame Sinn Féin and the DUP for the much overall environment in the north certainly, it seems though to me though that whilst there is always a Republican mythology and ideology there that people will latch onto it when in need.

Hard to know though, the Provos seem to still have a good bit of control in their communities. Are some of them turning a blind eye to some of the local nutters of late?

Yeah that’s all true, but on the other hand, why would they change tact? The Irish voters don’t reward nuance.

For all the cribbing and moaning on societal issues and issues that don’t directly impact them (homelessness and health service), if a government took the really tough choices to fix the root causes they’d be fucked out at the next election, because it would hurt most voters’ bottom line, which is all they actually care about. It’s the same for playing to the galleries with the softer edges of their vote - a good chunk of middle class voters who flip flop between the non-left wing options want to see SF hammered, and being frank about the situation in the North risks that crucial constituency. It’s the same on the other side of the coin too, left leaning voters won’t have truck with FG/FF being treated as anything other than pantomime villains.

I know that then leads to the question as to whether you’re in politics for the sake of power rather than wanting to actually govern and effect change, but at some point they have to play the part to stay in government to change the things they think they can get away with changing.


He’s back

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I completely accept your points but, as much as Varadkar probably enjoys winding up Mary Lou and turning Pearse Doherty into a shrieking maniac in the Dáil, he should pause to consider that he’s actually hurting innocents like @glenshane.

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One of the most hateful things about this Saoradh crowd is that they’ve given cover to every virtue-signalling, self-serving, reactionary, lick-spittle cunt in the country to come out from under their rocks in the past few days.


Provos doing what theyre told in Creggan,Armagh etc,spent force p.s. they were also classed as nutters one time ,by the majority of the ppl from the free state( my what short memories)

Know it sounds bad but she really gets on my tits-but that’s the face of neo SF

Stopped watching. Not a great advert for humanity :frowning: