The north/really good looking fellas

Everyday life in parts of impoverished, forgotten, high unemployment 6 counties- not nice but nevertheless it is what it is- meanwhile down here gombeeens sneer,snide and make silly cracks

Eamonn McCann on Prime Time. His take on this should be interesting.

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Drew a straight line between Soloheadbeg and the recent actions of the New IRA.

Provocative as always.

McCann is a bright boy- male equivalent of the late Nell McCafferty

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RIP Nell

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Yes a great woman


Jesus H. That’s the same lad with the Indian fetish over Leo

He’d make a great TFK poster.


The IRA seemed to have had the same problems as the Catholic Church

Is that a parody account or is it actually him?

Looking fit and well anyway.


Keep your sectarian and religious barbs out of this, mate.

Never. My sectarianism is the only thing I have left.


One for the 2020 dead pool, if he makes it that far.

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Yet another IRA nonce.

My God brutal stuff

and an [quote]“active and dedicated Christian”[/quote]

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Dedicated to hurt- that’s covered up for years, volunteer on the run in Derry snaked back to a party in the Creggan, returned to party house ,raped the lady of the house ( husband inside)rap on the knuckles- more bad stuff but TBH AFAIK that’s the only occasion of any republican in Derry doing similar, although s big noise irsp guy eventually did time for raping kids,nieces( still got a republican funeral) ended up living in the city men’s mission, Crawford square ,Derry ,prior to death- so yes there’s a few bad eggs everywhere

Tick tock …

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