The north/really good looking fellas

The problem really is that this shouldn’t be a thing anymore.

'mon the taigs

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It will always be a thing flatty at least until nationalism has a significant majority of MLAs\MPs and unionism finally realises its days of domination are over.

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I know, but in truth it will be a better society when nationalism and unionism/loyalism are not inextricably linked with Catholicism /protestantism

Certainly couldn’t disagree there. However, just tune in to the results of the local elections this week and see what the reality is.

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I don’t doubt it for a second. I just find it depressing on a global scale how much of society is structured around what name you put on your faith.

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This is the problem. Get rid of Catholic and Protestant schools. Integrated schooling. Learn it out of them.
An atheist must feel really out of place in Northern Ireland.

Ireland (ROI) has had almost 100 years to get rid of them and still hasn’t.

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That is a problem as well. The church intertwined with our constitution is the problem in Ireland and they were hardly going to give up control of places full of little children…


Has to be as ppl geographically live in different areas,shop, drink, socialise etc,my kids/ grandkids live in the Creggan estate,Derry - never met a Protestant kid until they went to Buffalo NY on a cross community effort aiming to bring kids from troubled areas together,and they did 1 RC - 1 Protestant ,bunked together,played together,for a few weeks a year- but once home status quo returned/ sad but true,now my eldest grandkid ( 17,)has Protestant friends in Donegal ,so maybe there’s hope

As long as you’re a Protestant atheist or a Catholic atheist you should be fine.


Plus the fact that it’s church property that 95%+ of schools are built on.

But you need to know which.

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You can tell by the eyes




How convenient

This is fairly typical of how it’s gone for ‘catholic’ schools

Ussuns are more smarter than themmuns


Back in the day themmuns got a job without having the qualifications.

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Well obviously they wouldn’t have the qualifications. They were all as thick as two short planks! :laughing:

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