The north/really good looking fellas

Funny enough the cops are looking for a short fat stupid dissident

@Bandage isnt stupid.

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Comes from a very well known GAA ( hurling) - republican family from beechwood in Derry,son of the late Stevie Mellon ( ex internee) and Derry county board- good family, mostly teachers

Touts Out. Snitches get stitches. :rofl:


Jesus it’s the one part of the Gaurds I miss, battering the fuck out of cunts like them and making their lives miserable. Fucking apes.

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Id say that’s padding :thinking: normally used

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Derry is only up the road I’m sure they’d oblige you👍

Thanks for sharing your expertise!:+1:

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No experience/ expertise needed to spot that FFS :+1:

Only a calculated guess mind😜

Back in the 80s a dwarf from the Creggan ( Colm?) Was locked up for hiding gear in the loft - guess what his defence was? Needless to say he got 7 years( cromire gardens flats-

He did it for the other six?


Ah well

:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:class response

Say he was after the apple

Belfast is about to kick off. Everything is dirt cheap, it has everything going for it and a united Ireland is just round the corner. If you’ve a few bob to spend plunge it all into Belfast.
I’ll keep you right out if the goodness my heart.

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I’m staying there tomorrow night. Any recommendations?

Rangers SC sandy row is entertaining

Don’t drink as much as I did last night