The north/really good looking fellas

McCrackens is a cracking bar, I think they might now have renamed it Henrys.

It’s down a little alley on the left from High St.

Bobby Sands 5/5/81 lest we forget


Stoops new venture with FF doesn’t seem to have gone too well.

Interesting to see the Alliance pick up the same amount of additional seats as the two main unionist parties dropped.

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Emma Vardy (EmmaVardyTV)

Police say the group known as ‘Saoradh’ are the political voice of the New IRA. They’ve been the focus of a backlash in Northern Ireland following Lyra McKee’s death. A clip from our piece on @BBCNews tonight

10:44 PM - 2 May 2019 6.1K 1.7K

I have so much respect for that lady Emma Vardy. Putting it right up to them. Absolute pack of walking flutes imagining they are relevant. These psychotics believe they are important. I have to calm myself down that clip has made me so angry.


Yes but they have a voice and need to be spoken to,heads in the sand crack will only make the current campaign turn into the long war, anyone who knows anything ref the 6 counties will acknowledge this FYI former 32 country man Gary “donso” Donnelly was re-elected this week on mostly first preference votes,do take note

That’s the truth.
No matter how much you might despise them, this line that “they speak for nobody” simply isn’t true. High unemployment in the NW, austerity as always hitting the poorest hardest, PSNI being seen as rebranded RUC, SF losing touch since death of McGuinness. There are lots of factors playing into alienation of young people and it really does need to be addressed.
Wringing our hands and deploring the results won’t cut it.


Is Elisha McCallion capable or lightweight or somewhere in between? I see Sinn Féin maintained the same number of overall seats in the local elections last week but lost a fair few seats in Derry and Strabane.

And Belfast as well. They are being edged by PB4P in urban areas but have picked the Stoops off in the more rural areas and made advantage of growing nationalist populations there too.

The Unionism vote is down significantly but until such time as the electoral areas are redrawn then they will always control the bulk of the councils.

Cicero / the black spot

Is it a factor that turnout is particularly bad in working class loyalist area ? Not great in nationalist WC areas either but far better ?

The PUP have never gained traction with the Loyalist working class and they are the only party who cater for that demographic in unionism.

Derry has a fairly sizeable dissident vote, alienated from mainstream SF voters,lots of prisoners on both sides of the border ,so there’s the bargaining chip when / if official talks occur ,no matter how ppl view them , they’re not all loopers, Gary Donnelly is an ex friend of mine from way back, and AFAIK wants an end to the new Ra’s campaign,ppl will listen to him and his ilk but the nettle needs to be grasped ASAP,for Pandora’s box if opened fully won’t close for generations,my personal thoughts,I’m A political but have kids/ grandkids in the Creggan and want this shite wrapped up ,FFS I went up in the late 70s first ,and it’s still bloody going on,again while there’s one political prisoner inside ppl will be dragged into the mire,and many of these wouldn’t have a political bone in their body before a loved one or relation ended up inside, personal observations only


Lightweight - only there because she’s Martina Anderson’s niece.

SF have lost their way. They are finished in the south. They will lose seats in the next election.

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What party holds your political allegiances, Father?

That is private and should be kept that way. The Ballot Box is like confession, never tell, its sacrosanct.

God bless you and your lovely bhoy.

That would be fairly accurate esp for council elections. Assembly & Westminster elections get better turnouts though that’s been falling too.

David Irvine was changing that but unfortunately he died too soon. The DUP would have always got the working class loyalist vote and still do in Assembly\Westminster elections especially when they play the SF bogey man card.

And vice versa

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Just how deeply was this cunt’s da involved in collusive loyalist paramilitarism?

[quote]“We were visited on numerous occasions by strange men in camouflage who would appear on the doorstep ad have sandwiches and they were there to protect us.

“The Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) were regular visitors.

“The Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) were always round and about making sure everybody was all right and some strange guys from England would appear with no cap badges and mother would make them sandwiches.”[/quote]

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Have you seen his twitter ? A bigoted cunt. Him and Kate Hoey and Bryson…


Where did you go mate?

Stayed in the Premier Inn, Cathedral Quarter on the recommendation of a nice Prod I met in Capital Bar the night before. Went to the Dirty Onion and the Thirsty Goat which were good craic. Rest of the town seemed dead but those spots were legit. Above average stranger danger but you could still have the chats with randomers. Also Sir Henry’s on the random which turned out to be an Alliance Party / Sherbourne Bar type spot with a good uilean piper playing. Dinner in a restaurant called James St which was very impressive and expensive but also good value. I think fine dining is maybe better in Belfast. Maybe stranger danger doesn’t apply in a restaurant so the city’s social scene focused on that over good city centre pubs. This is my theory.

Overall Belfast has made good progress and now has Bunsen Burger but still has a long way to go and still is a ghost town after 6 pm. The fes spots that stayed open late were obviously packed (eg McDonalds was the only place you could get coffee after 6). The lady is an architect so it was funny hearing her slagging the shit out of every single modern building.

What’s with the “ghost town after 6pm” business? Is that a DUP fundamentalist Christian policy?