The north/really good looking fellas

What day were you there, m8?

You should stayed in The Hatfield for a bit of craic.

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Shower of tramps

A lot of irrational hatred exuding from his pores there. A very proud hatred exuding family it seems. Habye Jim. :disappointed::confounded:

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We stayed Sunday night before the Monday bank holiday. The Monday we went to the Giants Causeway. Absolutely fucking shite. Just a load of rock.

The Bridges of Ross are 10 times more impressive.

:rofl: you’re absolutely right there! Hope you didn’t pay for the experience.

So is Glastonbury

And what exactly were you expecting?

I was at least expecting decent hexagons, it didn’t even have that.

The interpretation centre was shite too. Didn’t even explain why the rocks were straight shapes. And then it said there were other causeways all around the world. Complete bollocks.

I’d heard as much.

But the Larne to Ballycastle coastal road through the little nationalist pocket of Antrim is recommended.

Cushendall is a more boring town than I imagined but Glencairn has a very pretty little harbour nice fishing boats and one tasteful tricolour flying over it. Like I imagine Kinsale in the 1970s, I’ll air bnb it next time I want some peace and quiet because not even 3 hours from Dublin.

The most of the North is dead.


There was a very interesting programme about the building of this road on BBC2 WS a couple of years back


Some top drawer wumming from Jim Allister here


That interview with Seamus Mallon in the IT today is very good. He comes across as very dignified. It’s interesting that he blames the IRA for the collapse of Sunningdale. He gives the names of a group of loyalists , UDR and RUC men in South Armagh who he says might have killed 150+ people.

I can’t get over the end of his interview though, when he says he wants to give unionists a veto on a United Ireland and end the idea that the constitutional question should be decided by majority. How could the current constitutional arrangement be justified under that thinking? He’s just arguing for fascism and it would only cause more bloodshed in the long run. Fucking unbelievable, I’m ready for the seething thread.

Also, if they knew the names of these loyalists, why did Seamus Mallon not just get in his car one night and drive over and pop the lot of them in their beds? That’s what I would have done. Why didn’t the IRA do that, if they were claiming to protect their community?

He asks Tony Blair why he spends more time talking to SF than SDLP. Blair says because SF have guns and Mallon is surprised. That sort of sums him up.

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Mallon is an unadulterated cunt.


Another stoop-nothing to see here

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What grounds just out of interest? He’s slightly before my time, he disappeared before I learned why to hate him properly.

The end of that interview took me by surprise though.

Even the most ardent Provo hater would struggle to blame them for sunningdale. There was a general strike in NI organised by loyalists and supported by the establishment that resented sharing power. That’s what brought down sunningdale and nothing else

He’s typical of the intransigent Stoops of that era who were happy to play along as it was. As the main nationalist political presence at the time, it’s more and more obvious how they facilitated the British state terror at that time.

I think a lot of the rancour has always been how anti-IRA they were, despite them both supposedly wanting the same thing. They wanted to crush the Provos more than they wanted to change the national issue and tackle the concerns of the nationalist community.

The Stoops did have some genuine nationalists in their ranks at time, guys like Paddy Devlin and that but Mallon never really came across as anything other than a career politician.

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