The north/really good looking fellas

Heard the Seamus Mallon interview on Radio 1 earlier. The only person I’d have a bit of respect out of all those gangster nordies getting paid to speak out of both sides of their mouths in stormont.
Any ex Ira or loyalist paramilitaries in power up there can fuck right off when they talk about rights and respect. Steamers the lot of them.

Great Poster

Seamus Mallon is a great man, his correctly called out the slow learners nature of the Provos.


Never changed

Sad sad fucking people

PSNI fail in their attempt to curb freedom of the press and and any scrutiny of their collusion with the Loughinisland killers.

"There was no oversight during an investigation that was clearly motivated by nothing less than pure malice. Rather than going after the killers, Durham detectives turned the chief suspect in the Loughinisland Massacre into a victim. "


George is some piece of work. An entire investigation carried out for him and he’s appealing for information. Maybe he needs someone to provide him with a TV and an armchair.
“Throughout the period of this investigation, the horror of what happened in Loughinisland has never been far from any of our thoughts. The perpetrators of that crime have never been brought to justice and that is a matter of huge regret for policing," he said in appealing for those with information into the murder of six innocent men to come forward


Like that cunt Harris, he’s RUC to the bone.


Masters of deception

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We’re bigger cunts for employing the British agent,no way it’s not beneficial to London having him in charge of an GS FFS they were bad enough before

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Some high class citizens here

All due a call pretty soon- off to Altnagelvin hospital- then fucked out for a year or so

Fuckin A
even tough Adams is a cunt

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Adams is a waffling bastard who let several hunger strikers die to get SF on the election trail- SF prior to 1981 were dead ducks-( and his nephew got clean away with murdering Joe Joe o Connor/ Adams RUC buddies saw to that)

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Who was it was up in Portrush a few months ago and enjoyed themselves?

Here’s the true face of Orange culture. Given the chance to portray the North in the best light with The Open occurring, what do these knuckle draggers do? Organise a 3 hour band parade/sectarian fest. Sure what coud be more appropriate?


They’re some shower of tramps. That’s the sort of carry on you’d expect from Belfast/portadown/Coleraine lodges etc. A lot of the more rural lodges have learned to get along. The apprentice boys wouldn’t even pull that sort of shit, at least not since they’ve had manners put on them.
A lot of orange men despair at that behaviour.


You’d wish they’d just fuck away out of it

Was up there a few years ago in April. A whiff of orange about the town but didn’t feel hostile at all. Owner of air b&b was a left footer but nice.

As Jim Alister knows. Gaa = IRA at play