The north/really good looking fellas


Some posters on here make fun of me for reading PopBitch but it’s decent fun and this story caught my attention. On the basis of this, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Dodds, or whichever one of them is supposed to be vulnerable, will lose his seat:-

There’s been a lot of focus on the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems’ relative popularity in the early days of this election – but what about the smaller parties? How are the DUP faring with the voter on the street at the moment?

Arlene Foster and Nigel Dodds went out for a late lunch at a fancy restaurant-bar in East Belfast the other week, bringing a sizable entourage of heavies with them. The guards quickly commandeered the restaurant’s toilets, telling any diners who approached to either hold it in or use the toilets in the venue’s bar instead.

That was until one brave diner squared up to them, insisting to be let past and threatening to soil themselves if they wouldn’t move – getting someone to hover about with their camera phone primed.

Funnily enough, Foster and Dodds didn’t hang around much longer after that. They left their desserts behind and were treated to a long slow-clap out of the venue.


By Christ but you love a good rumour


You need to rethink your life.

Do you know how hard it is to turn a tank around?

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Not up for debate

Arlene never left a dessert behind her in her life


@Lazarus is overly invested in this whole charade. FFS Lazarus get a grip.

The DUP will actually gain a seat this election now with the news Lady Sylvia Hermon is not running in North Down. Dodds is a racing certainty in North Belfast. Ian Og’s bit on the side in South Belfast is the only one who may lose out to Claire Hanna of the SDLP, in South Belfast.

Welcome back buddy

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Thanks for that Arlene.

Good one

DUP are certainly favourites to take Hermon’s seat but I’m not sure about Dodds being a certainty at all. The scurrilous banners about the Finucane family may have the unintended effect of energising non sf nationalist voters to get out and vote for them. It’ll be very close and would be brilliant if Finucane could unseat that bulldog cunt. I don’t like the stoopers much either but again unseating the gunrunner’s daughter would be a fantastic achievement.
Reports circulating that contingency plans have been drawn up by the DUPers to ensure Dodds & Pengelly get elected to Stormont if fucked out of Westminister

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Would be great if we started using banners on walls and murals against people down south for the craic.

@anon61878697 do you remember there was graffiti at the Roxboro roundabout for years. It was accusing someone of being a rat, it was something along the lines of “Declan Madden is a rat”



Can any of your northern contacts confirm Arlene Foster has moved into a hotel after the husband found out she was shagging her driver?

Driving Ms Daisy…


This couldn’t possibly be true.
We couldn’t be this lucky to receive such a perfect Christmas gift.