The north/really good looking fellas

There was 23 million people in Yugoslavia. There were territories.

The north is a small mixed population. There is no strongholds, no place to direct a ‘war’ from.

The Provos did it in different times with backing from certain quarters in the 26 and the US. The Brit securicrats we now know ran all the loyalist campaigns and half the provos. They will not assist the loyalists now, in fact they will thwart them. The fact they ran them for years they won’t have to do much investigation to round them up!

Anyway, Who would fight a loyalist campaign? Jamie Bryson? He had a rally recently in a town hall. 30 years ago Paisley had thousands in the street, 50 years ago they shut down the electricity…that day is gone. Most of the decision makers in the north are Catholic educated (has consequences)

The 6 counties is full of touts. There is no appetite for violence at all. Any fighting would be wiped out quickly. It may not be perfect at the start but it would work out.

If there was a United ireland tomorrow, the DUP would grudgingly take their seats. Paid of course.

The DUP and the unionists of the 6 counties have had a rude awakening in the last couple of months. England doesn’t give two fucks about them. Dominic Cummings told them. They know it.


It won’t affect you either. You’ll get to talk out of both sides of your mouth, big on green jersey and Nth Co Dublin privilege flag-waving. Mind the personal keeps coming whatever happens.

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A United Ireland would impact everyone on the Island. In small ways perhaps, flags, anthems, government, the Constitution, huge issues will all be up for discussion too. All ireland soccer, perhaps the commonwealth,
Who knows.

We have to be mature about it. If we have to pay higher taxes, so be it, I don’t mind paying an extra 10 or 20 cent in the euro to fund reunification. I do think Europe will hugely assist so I’m not majorly worried. If paying a reunification tax I would want the money ring fenced and not wasted.

And there was nothing privileged about growing up in north county Dublin. There is a sense of community though. Not massively republican but I think hearts are in the right place.

I was part of a group, through Ms Goode, that raised €5k for a ultra sound machine for the Rotunda hospital. A machine badly needed costing €75k which central government told them there was no funds for. The same government that spend €1.8m on a printer!!!

But you keep making m FF/FG the king makers. It’s sheep like you that have the country fucked.



You’re an incredible man. Post more.

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We’ve literally had a war which started 50 years ago and went on for 30

The 20 years since have been fraught with difficulty even though largely peaceful

And yet you have such paucity of imagination that you literally cannot even begin to comprehend the notion that violence could ever start again

Such historical ignorance is breathtaking

Sure just yesterday we were told here by somebody who actually lives in Derry that half of Derry is controlled by dissos, and you say there are no “strongholds”

Who was there to fight in 1968

Young, radicalised hotheads, that’s who, the people who will fight or be prepared to fight are largely people who are children or below voting age now

The mistake people like you and others here make is that you think economics is more important than people’s national identity in the north

In an atmosphere of high tension brought about by rabble rousing referendum campaigns on both sides, logic goes out the window and people descend to base tribalism

Have a look at Brexit

In December 2015, 1% of Brits believed the EU was the most important issue regarding Britiaain, or England, because the EU was only ever an English issue

Now it’s 60%

That’s a demonstration of how whipping up hatred of the other changes people, and that campaign of hatred was an astro-turf, top down, elitist project run by spivs and toffs, and built from scratch, not on a deep seated suspicion like already exists in the north of Ireland

The same people who tell us economics is more important than national identity in Ireland spectacularly miss that economics has nothing to do with Brexit, it’s victimhoood, paranoia and national identity

The DUP’s behaviour was consistently misread on this forum by those who thought they would be bought off, they weren’t

Of course England doesn’t give two fucks about the north, it never has, to them the north is a colony

It doesn’t give two fucks about Scotland or Wales either, those are also colonies to the English

The same people who don’t give two fucks about these places are the ultimate unionists when it comes down to it

That’s how colonisers think

The Tories are quashing any further prosecutions of butchers in the British Army ranks, they’re glorifying slaughter

And you now tell us to trust them, that the likes of Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings and Johnny fucking Mercer supposedly have the best interests of the people of Ireland north and south at heart, jaysus, talk about naivety

Ironically a lot of the same people who push the united Ireland NOW line have the exact same colonising mentality against unionists, i) in that “they can shut up and lump it” and ii) that they can be bought off

I’m all for an actual conversation about the practicalities of future unification

Sadly many people who claim to want a conversation want no such thing and just want to rabble rouse about how unionists will be “put in their place” once and for all

Every single post I’ve read on this forum which calls for a border poll in the near future is full of rabble rousing and rhetoric about “bouncing” unionists into a simplistic vision of a united Ireland against their will

That isn’t a conversation, that’s the mentality of an ethno-nationalist coloniser and it’s a recipe for disaster

Stage 4 I’d say.

And, I’ll answer you as I’m in the airport lounge and bored. A united Ireland will happen relatively soon, and it will have absolutely nothing to do with whether the provos or the inla have a strip club in Lisbon, or which particular snout is in the stormont trough.
It will be because there is a democratic vote called by the Secretary of state for NI, and because Westminster is full of such odious buffoons that even the unionists will vote to be rid of them. It’ll happen in truth mainly because the Irish economic model is currently better than the British one.
40 or 45% of the population will vote for reunification whatever happens. Its the middle 5-10% who will decide this.
I’m on record, as an Irish taxpayer, as saying that I’d happily pay more tax for a reunified Ireland. The last straw poll showed that the majority of your fellow countrymen would vote against a United Ireland if they had to pay a bit more tax for it, so maybe you should shriek at them.
Whilst your so called inside track may have you fondling yourself through your coat pockets in delight, it is of zero consequence.
And, in truth, whilst I would like to see a united Ireland, it doesn’t bother me as much as trying to work and put food on the table. It certainly isn’t worth spilling blood over now that the rampant sectarianism is all but dead.
Flegs are overrated

Forget about a border poll until its at least 60/40.Lets just breed out these cunts.Some people are in an awful rush to fuck this up,it’ll be another 20 years awaiting if it fails.


It’ll be 20 years anyway

It should be but you’ve the likes of @anon98850436 mad to shoot the load even if it means missing

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Lads complaining about our health service, homelessness, rents, poverty and the general balls we have made of things in the Republic think we should add one million odd hostile Unionists into the mix and they should be happy about it.

You could not make it up.

Shure itll be grand,who are they gonna fight with

Lads on TFK think we shouldn’t start the conversation about how a United Ireland will look until the border poll takes place.

How did that go for Brexit?

The health services in the north are far superior to those in the 26.

There shouldn’t be a border poll for 15 to 20 years. In the meantime let Brexit work, let the new economic realities sink in and let the Protestant middle class come to us. SF should spend the time banging the peace and reconciliation drum and the Irish government should spend it preparing for the inevitable. A poll now that was 60% pro-union would destroy much of the momentum of republicanism and reinvigorate unionism.

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Because they are disproportionately funded. The health service on the mainland is breaking down, just like the public service in Ireland.

How can a health service be disproportionately funded?

I’m willing to give up Amhran na bhFiann and the tricolour in return for the NHS being extended to the 26 counties as part of any future united Ireland settlement

But they will also have to give up their Tayto and accept the supremacy of ours

Vauxhall cars will become Opel

And their Walls ice cream will become HB