The north/really good looking fellas

When Brexit is a roaring success and people see the potential long term of independence for the uk then the only way Ireland will be reunited is the only way it ever was- under British rule

Compared to the mainland I meant.

I think you may be wrong, loyalist gunmen/bombers will definitely react to a United Ireland along the lines of what is happening now in the various republican camps, it’ll be long and drawn out,yes eventually it will peter out but in the meantime it will be innocent r.c. drivers-workers - school kids who will near the brunt of their madness,and FYI uvf/ uda etc didn’t reply solely on Brit armaments they have/had plenty of contacts in South Africa etc to supplement them

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They mostly did though. It would not be in the same league as before.
I think the plaster needs ripping off quick whilst Ireland is booming

Easy for lads living in Dublin to say as they wont bear the brunt of the loyalists paramilitaries.

This is very true.

The loyalists couldn’t organize a piss up with out the British army and the RUC.

Anyway, I doubt if a vote was carried thst the tans would just up and leave…it would be reminiscent of Hong Kong…there Would be a buffer period put in place - that’s when a lot of hard yards will have to be made.

we need to start the discussion now about what will happen - sadly, the free staters on here such as @Corksfinedtboy , the landlord & @padjo would prefer if we don’t prepare for the inevitable

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Well maybe they should put more funding into the NHS on the mainland?

Tax the wealthier more, plenty of them going out buying material items like motorbikes so tax hikes are in order.

Oh look another lad hundreds of miles away giving it big licks

Who’s giving it big licks? I stated IF a vote went in favour of a UI, then the tans would have as much responsibility to ensure peace.

Go way and go fir a walk.

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Agree with this.
Would there be loyalist violence?
100% certainty.
Innocent deaths?
100% certainty.
It is indeed very easy to hurl from the ditch of Dublin or the mainland, but if reunification is to happen, there will be blood. Only question is how much, whose, and who decides whether it is worth it.
The CAB would be a great addition to the six counties imho.

it will be up to south to win over the middle ground… What will they be willing to give up? I’m looking forward to having 12th of July off every year.

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I pay lots and lots of tax. We employ over 50 people in a deprived area, including a significant number of absolutely delightful Asian ladies, and we learn from each other.
Buying things circulates money. If I buy that bike, it keeps people in work.
Your logic is bizarre

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Would you be buying that bike in cash?

They’ll need to vote for it first.

No mate, it’s in a shop.

Oh look its Mike Baldwin.


Ah here… Send out that application form ffs

:joy: Fair point.