The north/really good looking fellas

I’ll await @anon67715551 decision on this.

Lads who are afraid to go to Belfast chatting about a United Ireland. They should stick to following Rovers in the LOL.

They’re not wanted down here…

Clonmel commercials :ronnyroar:

What about them

@flattythehurdler , may I suggest you listen to this , the expert here suggests that it is highly unlikely there will be violence

id say the landlord class in South Dublin would hate Belfast improving as a city and being an alternative to Dublin


Yis’ll get no bother outta me or anyone else…just so long as there’s a healthy peace dividend, plenty of grants and subsidies, reconciliation money community funding. And the economy will need regular kickstarting of course.
It’s an expensive business- emerging from conflict, healing the wounds of the past and ensuring ongoing stability.

Whos the expert

Never heard of him

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yes, I wouldn’t expect you to have had


He was an advisor to Mo Mowlam and the Labour party who invaded Iraq. He has now written a book “How to get out of Iraq with Integrity”.

If he says there won’t be violence then LOL.

As one of the few posters who owns a business in Belfast and employs people there I am happy to field any questions on the peace dividend a United Ireland may bring.

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There’s obviously be violence at the start of a United Ireland, anyone who says otherwise knows nothing about the place. They riot at fucking anything FFS, rioting is the national sport. In addition to rioting in working-class loyalist areas there would also be isolated spots of proper terrorism as well. They might try shooting a few Guards or blowing up a few town centres, basically the exact same as the dissidents today, although they’d be massively hampered by having no realistic political goal that the various strands of unionism could all agree on. It would peter out but that would take anywhere between 5 and 20 years. A small price to pay IMO.

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Lads who won’t step in to break up a street fight won’t have the stomach for 5 to 20 years of terrorism and their loved ones being killed and maimed.


But think of the video footage they’ll get, unreal.

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It won’t really be a viable option though because financially NI can’t survive on its own. Obviously the southerners would have to toughen up but I my feeling is that the campaign would fail and they also wouldn’t be guaranteed support of middle-class unionist types.

Like, the lads who would be running that campaign would be primarily motivated by a desire to have a front for their drug-dealing activities. I don’t think they’d be successful. They’d actually have a strong interest in not being successful.

You’d have a few proper Paisleyite-religious types getting involved and they’d be more dangerous but ultimately they’d be killing innocent people in circumstances where they’d already lost the referendum. I don’t think they could keep it up indefinitely.

I’m a northerner, a border-dweller, I’d be well up for 20 years of the cunts giving it their hardest but I don’t think the rest of my southern brethren would.

Edit: Also, if just 2% of Ulster Unionists left within 2 years of losing the referendum that would massively undermine any re-partition efforts. In fact what would happen is the Ulster Unionist population would start to drip-feed out across the Irish Sea for the duration of any re-partition terrorist campaign and their position would look progressively weaker.

But undoubtedly some fortitude from the southerners would be required.

We could pay the loyalists scum to go to Scotland and stay there never to return again

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