The north/really good looking fellas

Probably the cheapest option in the long-run :smirk:



No muss no fuss from Duzza king of the BDO

NI can’t survive financially on its own as it is

Repartition would just mean a smaller subvention for the Brits to pay

If the Loyalists whip up enough trouble, they can force it as an issue and I imagine the DUP would b every willing to adopt it as policy

I don’t know what would happen to Belfast though in that scenario, it could become like cold war Berlin

Indeed. A couple of the more memorable beatdowns ever seen on here from @anon98850436

Wrong thread mate

But Duzza was a big supporter of Mo Mowlam, who was his MP, so maybe not

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Stating the obvious but what is lacking is political leadership and a coherent vision for the future, without these there is zero point in a border poll and a lot of reasons not to hold one. There is no fundamental reason why a United Ireland could not be socially and economically successful, with initial financial support from the EU and the UK. Ireland is a very attractive location for business, one of the best in Europe, if this is lost then forget about it.

There are far to many political parties for a start, most of them based along sectarian lines in NI or on history in the south. There is an argument for a national government for say the first five years but that will never happen, the best alternative would be a center right party combining FG and the various Unionist parties and a center left party of FF/SF/SDLP/Labour/Alliance (a big umbrella I know but not that different to the Democrats in the US). Keeping the same political structures and existing parties would result in useless coalitions with no mandate that would get nothing done.

Where is the political leadership though in either state?

Get a grip FFS,I live in the free state but am definitely not a free stater,or none of my family ,but I’m a bloody realist,and having lived in the 6 counties,being + in the past) a republican my opinion counts as much as yours


Can’t class what u call “dissidents” in the same category as loyalist scum,the republicans are organized militarily so, follow orders,whereas the loyalist gunmen are not,only whilst drug dealing etc

They have their own version cab

I think he’s wrong. I hope he isn’t.

That’s not what he says though, he ruled out a civil war similar to 1922. I think it is extremely naive to think there would be no political violence, as no matter how much of a majority were in favor of a United Ireland, there will always be ideological nutcases prepared to resort to violence (just as there are now). Fundamentally there is no justification today for political violence whether NI ends up within the UK, part of a UI, or even as an independent state, with the caveat that the entity we call NI will never return to a sectarian state.

Again that’s where political leadership comes in, and the task of convincing the majority of sensible rational people from both traditions that a UI is in their best interests. There is obviously a lot of work to be done to achieve that. You will never convince the nutcases, they just have to be marginalized.

If mainland UK deteriorates economically in the coming years, and the Irish economy stays strong, I would imagine more and more young people in NI would consider a UI within the EU a better bet than staying in the union.

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Why would the Brits do this, what would they get out of it? Would the loyalists bomb London as well - “give us more money!”

What do they get out of the current arrangement?

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Dey dook errrr jerrrrrbsss.


Stormont to be recalled tomorrow. It’s all coming up IRA.

DUP 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷 FFS ,what a show of strength

DUP & SF terrified at an election . As they say up north “ that would learn ‘em”