The north/really good looking fellas

Sinn Fein needed this big time. With an election in the south imminent all others would be sticking the knife in about not governing in the north and wanting to be in government in the south.

Great for Simon Coveney, who works very well with SF and doesn’t slag them off. In fact praised them after the last negotiations failed when Arlene pulled the plug!

DUP told to get back in or there were elections coming or joint authority which frightened the shite out of them. They already have a border down the Irish Sea. Simon Coveney and the Irish Government were full partners during the negotiations rather than junior to the brits.

Its all changed.

Did I say, Simon gets on well with the Shinners…just what is needed for a coalition.


FG members must be regretting their decision to make Leo leader over Coveney. And I don’t know what the latter is doing being in FG, he seems like a truly decent sort.


FG members voted for Simon in the majority


A big majority at that

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Simon will take over from that cunt Leo after the next election and join up with SF.

He might take over after Leo, but not a hope of him getting into bed with SF

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Leo is more representative of what FG is all about in that he doesn’t try to hide his cuntishness. Coveney hides his better.


Correct, and SF grassroots would never countenance going to bed with the blueshirts - lose a lot of ordinary members nationwide

Pat Kenny is after giving Unionist Jamie Bryson who is opposed to the deal, aren’t they fucking always, absolute free reign there. Didn’t call him out on any of about ten very clear falsehoods

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I was shocked listening to that. Constrast it with the way he goes after someone like O’Brion on housing where every PIRA atrocitity is fair game to be brought up.

If it was Sinn Fein he’d have been badgering them from start to finish

He loves his Badgers does Pat.

Bryson is a simpleton and he isn’t worth cross examining . In fact the more he is let to talk the more he looks an ass .


That has always been the way on every RTE show. Morning Ireland is always incredibly soft on any unionist politician.

And you go and copy and paste this on Kenny’s twitter feed… Robert…

Fuck, I’m rumbled