The north/really good looking fellas

Polley’s folly

Dunloy is a Fenian town.

Lurgan would be too but would give you the shivers.

I lump lurgan, portadown and craigavon into the one…ballymena and strabane could fit in there nicely

I dread to think what they’re watching in ballymena. Must be really dark

Swinger Fulton snuff videos?

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Edwin is leaving it up to the good lord.

Your man McClurg is a pastor in some church. He was on both radio & tv. Heard him on the radio saying when he started to feel really bad he told his wife he wasn’t afraid as he knew he was going to heaven. My immediate thought was, " well if you’re so happy to die feck off out of the hospital and leave the bed & the care for somebody who doesn’t want to die"


It’s a pity Cllr Dale Pankhurst retired off the interweb

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It was only a matter of time


“I was laughed at and mocked by some but as l said at the time they laughed at NOAH until the rain started.”

Hard to argue with that.


:joy: First thought that came into my head as well.

He’s obviously a confirmed case himself?

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Where would you even start sure

It’s about time the lord got stuck into the gay octogenarian abortionists


We’ve had no luck since we opened pubs on Good Friday.
God has closed them himself for this year

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I’d guess so.

Who was the lunatic DUP idiot who said that the Corona virus was the lord’s revenge for legalising abortion and homosexuality

Don’t k but that’s not unusual shite from that gang of cun*s