The north/really good looking fellas


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That Shane Paul O’Doherty (former IRA bomber in Derry in the 1970s) seems like a bizarre sort

He’s cuckoo

What’s his story? You’d see the likes of Ruth Dudley Edwards and that Hoey crackpot endorsing his views

He’s a bit of a sensitive chap.

He’s a muppet

The Bomb that Time Forgot … Belturbet RTE now

Shocking incompetence and cowardice from the Free State alongside the collusion between Loyalists and British forces

The unionist cunts in the North always whinging about their victimhood. Somebody should direct them to places like Belturbet, Monaghan & Dublin. No cunt ever served a day in jail for any of them because the Free State rulers didn’t want to upset their betters in London. CUNTS!


Whining about those UDR bastards being clipped.

They gave one UDR cunt 15 years, let him off on a technicality & gave him 18 months (time served) for possession. I’d suspect the the Free State cunts were colluding with the Brits on it all


More stuff swept under the v big carpets of Leinster house and the house of commond

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100 pc staters did what they were told


This is a great news report, informative for people under the age of forty

That’s the lad who used introduce Coronation Street?


Very inflammatory language there.

Never heard of it, stroke city, maiden city, Londons Derry, but never that other word, doesen’t /didn’t exist in my vocabulary

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Cancer is awaiting surgery to have an Edwin Poots tumour removed from it.

Michael Martin will find these kind of comments divisive and unhelpful.


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @TheBlackSpot

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:rofl: the kant’s biggest threat is is that he could single-mouthedly cause another famine.