The north/really good looking fellas

Good to see Nolan has a listenership in Spain and Cambodia.

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Couldn’t honestly listen to either ever again little boy with issues and a bigger boy with issues

“biggest show in the country”!

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I love Nolan - never miss it. Maybe because he’s the complete opposite to any RTÉ presenter in that he doesn’t consider all politicians as anything other than spoofers. RTÉ treat them as their betters

Except for swann and McBride…he’d lick covid offa their oxters so he would

Eastwood showing the nationalist electorate that he and his party stand for.

I don’t see a mandate of being a bitch for unionism really swaying many votes his way. Sometimes you’d swear the SDLP are not part of the executive themselves.

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He’s pure partridge…him and his artists impression


Are any moderates in the north seen as unionisms bitch?

Depends if they are Unionist’s bitch. Alliance have put this one square at the feet of the DUP to be very fair. The Stoops posturing has been pathetic.

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I half think mallon and hanna are a bit embarrassed by Eastwood. Mcglone is just along for the ride and o’toole is another Eastwood. Do they have anyone else?

I think, but easy for me to say from afar, I wouldn’t vote SF if I were in the north. No candidates appeal to me but at the same time one can’t be voting unionist! What’s left ? SDLP? Alliance who are soft unionists really…

McCrossan is an absolute simpleton as is Big Dolores Kelly.

SDLP are more unionist than Alliance it we are being glib. SDLP’s prime policy at the minute seems to be being anti SF, they don’t actually seem to have any policies or solutions to anything and seem to forget they form part of the executive for the most part.

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He really is an utter fucking wally.

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The DUP made an issue out of this so Pootsie could get an early win with the base. A bit like SSM, they knew Westminster would intervene but at least they can say it wasn’t them.

The DUP were between a rock and a hard place so it was the best outcome for them. They neither wanted to be seen to be bending the knee to SF or did they want an election now.

It’s a win for SF with the ILA now coming to fruition.

The big losers are the Stoops whose pathetic posturing has been badly exposed.

Aye, “a victory for Sinn Fein”, just like the implementing British rule in the North is “a victory” for them. :laughing:

Seamie is seething.

He is tweeting an awful amount of seethe the last 12 hours or so

Simon Coveney wiped the floor there with Philip Boucher Hayes on the radio.