The north/really good looking fellas

Lovely hurling. :clap:

Nice recap here

I would not like to get in a physical fight with Arlene she looks a tough type.

Good piece

So was this incompetence or were there backhanders involved, chaps?

The DUP were more than happy to be governed from Westminster for years because they fucking love the United Kingdom and all that.

But they seem to have belatedly started to enjoy the “autonomy” and “freedom” provided to the devolved government in Belfast.

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She’s a fat ugly coaw.

McGuinness stepping down due to health reasons. Very sad.

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Ha! there you go. They thought Westminster was fundng it but Westminster said “No”. That’s when the panic set in but not enough panic to close it before a thousand of their mates got approved.

Arlene has played the misogyny card this morning.

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I heard that. Had she any logic or rationale to that?

No, she just said a lot of the calls for her to step down were because she’s female.

I heard the SDLP leader Eastwood on the radio last night, he spoke very well on the topic and basically just stopped short of accusing Foster of knowingly aiding colleagues and advisers to defraud the state. When the facts were laid out as bare as he did it’s hard to Foster surviving this (that’s not to underestimate her staunch protestant stubbornness).

Basically she copied the UK version of the bill word for word but specifically decided to remove the upper limit cap on claims. He said Foster was a very good and capable a minister and he believes this couldn’t have been an oversight on her part.

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Wasn’t there some attempt to deflect by comparing the attacks from Sinn Fein to the IRA trying to bomb her school bus when she was younger?

I was half listening to it on the drive to work this morning.

Another issue was that when they realised there was a problem they put a closing date on the scheme. They didn’t stop it immediately.

In the last month of the scheme there was a flood of applications which were accepted. If all these applications were from DUP supporters then its pure fraud

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Debatable !!! I would not fancy to meeting her in a fight .

What do the Prosecco provies here think of the SF performance on this matter .

good one


Answer the question . I am uncomfortable with praise .

very good performance by SF

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One leader steps aside in the middle of an investigation relating to corrupt payments from property deals.

His replacement now embroiled in what is potentially another corruption scandal.