The north/really good looking fellas

Beer and fags I’d reckon.

CC @glenshane

Things look like they are about to get grimmer. Strong speculation that Gavin Williamson is to be made NI Secretary.

Mickey D is in the Ra

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Just the beer tokens please

Saw a bit last week about him, interesting tales to come


Reckon there’s no might, it’s a hard fact that DUP will fare badly

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Can anyone with a sub for the Financial Times please post this? I’m just curious about what the FT are saying about the North. Maybe they’re calling for a withdrawal, who knows.

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God article alright… Can’t see them withdrawing by 2035 tho.

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That was then. Johnson is nothing if not inconstant. He now complains that he was acting under intense political pressure in the UK parliament. His Brexit negotiator Lord Frost has been encouraging the DUP in its opposition. This week Frost threatened to suspend the agreement unless Brussels agrees to expunge the role of EU institutions.

Boris is some cunt

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You’re very kind to him

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Pity he hasn’t gone the way of his brother

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He is like a roaster going home the morning after a wedding

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Nordy version of Sugrue?