The north/really good looking fellas

I hope people will remember this in the upcoming Assembly election.

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I’m so mad I’m off to give The Railway Bar a 1 star rating on Google.


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Which one,there’s railway bars everywhere


That prize Stoop wanker Daniel McCrossan has it.

Do you think it’s true he was an agent?

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It’s a religious ceremony organised by the main Christian churches on the island.

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SF and this forum’s Eunuch Powell outed as hypocrites yet again. :grin:

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Honestly yes and not on his own, McGuinness as even the dogs in the streets of Derry know was dealing covertly with crown agents long before his official capacity came out, why else would his brother Bill not get charged with murdering patsy Gillespie and the 3/4 brits at Coshquin etc etc, ref Adam’s he covered up for his paedo bro for donkeys years and only went to the cops when it became known it was about to be made public

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SF won’t go to a commemoration of the creation of a state that they govern and their leader is prime minister of.

You couldn’t make it up.


We’re there many unionists double agents ?

the brits ran loyalism

Sure we know that,I want a few specific names from Corky

I find it difficult to believe to be honest. But I know it’s widely believed in certain circles

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McGuinness was dealing with MI5 back as far as the mid 70s. Sure that’s well documented. It doesn’t mean he was a British agent.

I suppose neither does it mean he wasn’t.

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Many many more than our side

Amazing that he wa allowed to own several businesses and pubs etc,including a ceramic factory and never investigated

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That’s decent mostly old news but a good insight