The north/really good looking fellas

I’ll be in Derry next week. What’s it like, at all?

Can understand that all right. He’s a smarmy, smug, conceited UUCOAM

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He’s doing a bit of grandstanding. He knows rightly there’ll be a few minor concessions that he can spin as a personal victory…not to anyone remotely intelligent, but he’s thinking about voters who are defecting to the tuv


Street urchins, crossfire tracer bullets, sirens. You’ll do well to escape with shrapnel wounds


He’s a fucking cunt. I’m still vexed

They have a town wall like Kilmallock

Broken down?

Designed to keep.people in.

calling @Corksfinedtboy

This incredibly (or maybe unsurprisingly) doesn’t seem to be getting any traction at all.

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Is Garfield a reformed character or still a baddie? Like the BT, I’m conflicted here.


Still a baddie.

A vicious, evil, pervert, sadist, creep and latterly forelock tugging whore.

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Italian man of principle Mr Totti laying the smackdown in the replies :facepunch:


Doug Beattie apparently had another nightmare on GMU refusing to answer if he’d countenance a SF first minister.

Gas the way the UUP and Beattie have been trying to portray themselves as progressive and liberal and Beattie then sharing platforms with sectarian killers and refusing to consider accepting the democratic will of the people if it means a taig gets the purely symbolic role of first minister.

Hard to see Stormont get up and running again with unionism eating itself alive with their bigotry. No doubt the blueshirts and Stoops will be clambering all over themselves to somehow blame SF for a collapsed Assembly. :rollseyes:


Lovely putdown of Doug here.

cc @glenshane

It will be funny to see how FG/FF would position themselves.
To be on the side of Irish Nationalists, where you’d imagine they should be, would mean them insisting Unionists go into Government with SF while they refuse to do the same :grinning:
They can’t very well take the opposite side either, as GF agreement, even just optics

It’s actually beautiful. Sinn fein must think it’s Christmas . And doug would actually love to be dfm…if it wasn’t for those pesky caflicks


They’ve done it all before. Sure they have blamed SF anytime the Assembly has collapsed before or ran into trouble and it’s a narrative pushed by RTE. Sure look at what happened Brolly when we told a few home truths about the DUP. The only time Brolly was ever silenced on air with RTE and it was something absolutely correct and fully verifiable.