The north/really good looking fellas

Ripped this of another site. The reason for the resignation.

This is for your information only and should not be circulated further.


The Ard Chomhairle met in Dublin last night and following a proposal
from Martin McGuinness agreed that with effect from 5pm this evening
Martin McGuinness will resign his position as deputy First Minister in
the Executive.

This decision was not taken lightly but it is clear the political
institutions in the north have become unsustainable. The RHI scandal and
the manner in which the DUP has handled it, has significantly deepened a
crisis that already existed. The Fresh Start agreement, negotiated one
year ago, was meant to signal a renewed commitment to powersharing based
on mutual respect and equality. Instead through their arrogance and
contempt the DUP have further undermined the political process and
degraded the political institutions.

Nationalist and republican expectations of and confidence in the
political institutions has nose dived as a result of this and also as a
result of allegations of unionist corruption, malpractice and

• The Red Sky scandal

• The NAMA corruption revelations

• The clientelism between unionist politicians and unionist paramilitaries.

All of these issues have had serious repercussions for the integrity of
the institutions and have meant that they have become increasingly
detached from the lives of people they are meant to serve.

Sinn Féin has kept faith with the political institutions because we are
mandated to do so. For almost ten years Martin McGuinness and our
Assembly team have navigated a way through a number of crises and
scandals caused by the DUP. A lot of good work has been done by the
Executive and the Assembly and significant progress has been made on
many issues, including on cross border and all-Ireland matters. Nobody
more than Martin McGuinness has shown leadership and reached out to make
political progress.

But we are not prepared to confer legitimacy upon political institutions which are being undermined.

The process and principles of the Good Friday Agreement cannot be set to the side at the whim of the DUP.

The political institutions upon which the political process is based must reflect equality, parity of esteem and mutual respect.

Political accountability; opposition to austerity; defence of public
services; stimulating economic growth; and entrenchment of equality,
social justice and democratic rights must be at the heart of the
political institutions.

The DUP must restore public confidence in the political process and institutions

The British and Irish governments have internationally binding
obligations which they have failed to implement with respect to equality
and parity of esteem. The two governments must now fulfil their

Why it has come to this point

When the DUP entered government on the basis of partnership with Sinn
Féin in May 2007 it did so because it recognised that was the only basis
upon which it would exercise political power. In the years since then
the DUP has adopted a negative approach to many important issues facing
the powersharing Executive to serve a unionist agenda and objectives. At
times there has been a calculated and tactical refusal by it to make
the Executive work through partnership and in an inclusive and
collective way. The DUP’s attitude in government has often been marked
by an arrogance which ignores the rights of others. None of this should
surprise us.

The fact is that senior DUP figures have always been ideologically and
culturally opposed to powersharing and partnership government with Sinn
Féin. They are unionists. They have sought to use the political
institutions to oppose parity for the Irish language and identity;
promote institutional bigotry; to ridicule and reject the need for
reconciliation; and hold back progress on dealing with the past.

Our relationship with political unionism will always be determined by
these issues until political conditions are changed. Sinn Féin’s job is
to create those changes as a transition to Irish Unity.

RHI Scandal must be addressed

Our approach to the RHI scandal has been to urgently address the loss of
public confidence and the resulting loss to the public purse due to the
corruption and abuse; and presided over by DUP ministers, including
that Party’s leader. To that end Sinn Féin has set out as absolute
conditions that the DUP leader must step aside as First Minister in
order to allow for an independent, transparent, robust, time framed
investigative process, overseen by an independent judicial figure, from
outside the north, with the necessary powers to compel witnesses and

The Sinn Féin proposal is the optimum approach to get to the full truth
of this situation, in a time bound and cost effective manner. Our model
requires bespoke legislation to confer the powers of compellability on
the investigation panel. While the DUP have stated that they now accept
this the DUP leader continues to refuse to step aside.

The DUP leader has a clear conflict of interest. She was the Minister
responsible for the RHI scheme from its inception. She oversaw its
operation for almost three years as Minister. Warnings from energy
companies and the Ulster Farmers Union about the scheme were ignored, as
were warnings from whistle blowers and others about the potential for
abuse, corruption, and fraud. The failure to act on these warnings and
the stripping out of cost controls has led to the largest potential loss
to the taxpayer of any government scheme in the history of the northern

What next?

A qualitative transformation in the political process is now required.
The crisis cannot be dealt with in the immediate term. An election is
therefore likely and will probably be followed by lengthy negotiations.
The deepening political crisis demands that all of these issues are now
finally and comprehensively delivered upon by all parties and the
British and Irish governments.

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It’s for health reasons. Would be tasteless to post his specific condition but it’s an utter cunt of an ailment. Best of luck to him.

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I wasn’t aware of the Red Sky scandal which is mentioned in @tazdedub 's post.

Some information on it here:

The DUP seem to be very corrupt

Martin MacGoness
McGuinness can’t stand the subsidised heat so he leaves the government
Government subsides under weight of subsidies
McGuinness to Foster: That’s not the kind of green government I’m after
Hot air causes stormfront in the North

It’s mind blowing that they don’t want a united Ireland, they’d walk every election.


Whether this is related to his illness or not, it is a great move by Sinn Fein. Hardliners will vote DUP again but those in the middle of the road will not. These issues will surely see them lose seats and can only be good for Sinn Fein going forward.

Pity Gerry wouldn’t step aside down here & let the new breed at it.

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Whats the health issue?


So who is next in line for SF in the North?

Who’s the next big gun?

Thats not a condition. Its a state of mind.

Your conscious mind can actually will sickness into your life, mate. If you can make yourself shoot your load with the power of your mind you can certainly make yourself ill.

Is MCGuinness gone?

What do you mean by gone?

A long-term grip on power tends to do that.

Will Arlene Foster lead the DUP in the election?

Tis a brave man repeating stuff the Shinners told him in confidence



So long @tazdedub

He’ll be sorely missed by his Tennis comrades such as @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.