The north/really good looking fellas

It is. Bryson is a bit dyslexic or something. He sees things all confused.


He’s a non entity

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himself and “george” from the shankill



Democratic Unionist MLA Jim Wells, who is refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccine, claiming it has “links to the abortion industry”, will this week lead a delegation of clergy to Stormont to ask health officials to find an “ethnical alternative”.

The former health minister will meet deputy chief medical officer Naresh Chada alongside leaders from the Methodist, Independent Methodist, Baptist and Free Presbyterian churches in Northern Ireland on Thursday.

During the meeting at Castle Buildings, Mr Wells says he will “implore” the department to find alternative Covid-19 vaccinations like Covaxin and Sinopharm.

Back in December, DUP councillor John Carson claimed the vaccine, made entirely from synthetic material and no biological element, contained “stemcells and tissue from aborted babies”.

However, as confirmed by the Department of Health, none oftheCovid-19 vaccines being provided — Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca — contain foetal cells.

“We have never alleged the vaccine contains the cells of aborted children,”Mr Wells told the Sunday Independent. “We are alleging they are tested on the cells of aborted children.”

Asked if this week’s meeting would alleviate his concerns, Mr Wells said: “There will be no alleviation of the concerns, because what we are saying is a scientific fact.

“There are vaccines available in the rest of Europe which have no links. We will be asking when we can get supplies of this vaccine in Northern Ireland.

“If I lived in Hungary or Serbia, I wouldn’t be having this discussion — because those vaccines are readily available there.”

First Minister Paul Givan will tomorrow line up with his DUP colleagues in Stormont to oppose a policy that less than two months ag ohe himself publicly listed as a Covid-19 related contingency option for winter.

Missus Banfield!
Missus Banfield!
Missus Banfield!

It is youuuuu who is being unreasonable!

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That Ann Travers is some aul bag

I don’t get what she and her story had to do with the article. An RTE hatchet job.

She’s a Joe Duffy rent-a-quote every time RTE run a story on the PIRA.

That’s very disappointing from Eoin O’Broin

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I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of Gerry but I didn’t find it offensive. I’m more offended by the likes of Bryson and Gregory Campbell getting a free pass to sneer at the Irish language etc on RTE.


And wan of them PSNI cunts, running our cunts.

I missed this, that’s fantastic, Loyalists would want to sort their shit out and start getting represented by people who aren’t absolutely fucking bonkers.

He wants the Chinese Government vaccine, because of ethical concerns…about abortion. The Chinese Government. :grinning:


but but Gerry Adams made a video

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Sure any northern nationalist will have made the “haven’t gone away you know” gag at some point.

Free Staters and unionist seem to share a comment trait in not having a sense of humour.

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According to the usual loyalist mouthpieces it’s a “2 tiered police force”… they’ll be quiet on this.

I’m offended by jorrys appalling pronunciation of our beautiful language.