The north/really good looking fellas

Same thing happened Mike Nesbitt? Interviewed him for a thesis I did years ago, and he seemed ok.

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Not a good look for the DUP with them refusing to call for Boris to resign given their outrage over Bobby Storey’s funeral and calls for Michelle O’Neill to resign.

The hollow facade of it all.

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False faces - DUP who will and have left their own electorate in the shite
No dynamic person to progressively lead Ulster unionists to any meaningful solution
David Erving was one unionist that could have changed the inbred “ siege mentality “ that supersedes all decisions in tbe unionist mind

He’s a slieveen though at times
His mask slipped in the past though maybe that was political naieveness in his early political days ( should have stayed on the telly)

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But this is the thing.

Unionists don’t want progressives, they want bigots, Donaldson, Foster etc all know their electorate - hate the taigs and they will love you for it.

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Same with Doug Beattie.

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Correct boy 100 pc
It’s a sad outlook

Shares platforms with UVF thugs and then tries to kid on he’s progressive.

Anyone who buys Beattie’s sincerity is a mug of the highest order, the DUP/TUV/UUP voting electorate care about one thing and one thing only - protestant ascendancy - it’s all these parties are about, it’s all unionism are about.


Know boy but it’s vv hard to explain this to ppl down south even republicans at times

I cited different things over the years that happened personally to me and mine and friends in the 6 counties and I’d say ppl thought I was exaggerating
Ref loyalist mindset I didn’t really understand the naked hatred until I saw and felt it at first hand- even followed us to Romania :romania: when working in an aids/ tTBclinic, the 2 Protestant ( both loyalist) barely spoken to us,
Despite us all working in a shit hole in vv poor conditions,
One guy Glen Miller’ - new buildings , Derry had lost an uncle in a bomb attack
Other guy Bobby Reid was connected to UVF Derry when younger
Glen remained bitter
Bobby married a catholic from Romania :romania: ( minute RC population in RO)
He changed his outlook
Ref Glen an otherwise normal guy on the outside, bright etc but just tarred all catholic/ nationalist ppls as sectarian killers


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The FS establishment parties not too worried about the state colluding with sectarian killers to target victims.

They will have no problem using IRA victims for political gain though but don’t seem at all bothered about innocent victims of British state sponsored terrorism.

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Doug Beattie is surely on the wind up lately or else its just a parody account.

Unionism using quotes from Martin Luther King. :rofl:

Ruth Dudley Edwards…

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Quite the evisceration below.

cc @glenshane

You couldn’t like him if you reared him. Mallon seems to have lost her mind lately


If SF somehow poll higher than the Stoops in Foyle this election, Eastwood will be the reason why.

Mallon is an example of how they just anger and piss off nationalists when they get in electioneering mode. They don’t seem to have any tact when it comes to the nationalist electorates, there’s plenty of sticks to beat SF with on their record in office, the Stoops just seem to be going down the wrong route at every time.

They are a finished political entity.

If SDLP are useless , there is no other alternative to SF for nationalists? A gap in the market ?