The north/really good looking fellas

There would be a lot of people discontent with SF but there is not better alternative.

Aontu don’t really have the profile, they would have needed to attract a few big hitters off SF to make a dent in them which they didn’t.

All the Stoops do is offer noise and attacks but they stand for nothing and are constantly scoring own goals like the NI commemoration, everyone can see Eastwood and his pals for the disingenuous politicking they do out of issues.

You will find all the Stoop MLAs grandstanding on social media but their activity at local level and representing their constituents is pathetic.

With demographic changes and divided unionism, this Assembly election should really be on where the Stoops look to make gains, the likelihood is they are falling further away in nearly every nationalist constituency bar Foyle.


Eastwood must be genuinely thick to tweet that garbage…and the photo…

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They’ll take Foyle easy as SF made serious fuck ups with local personnel

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Just like SF in the south so

Don’t think that’s an accurate analogy at all. SF are rocketing up the polls in the South.

The Stoops are like FF, a political party in terminal decline.

What would you predict the SF seat return at the next GE in the Republic of Ireland….
Your honest, calculated opinion now, now some hairbrained aspiration.

Just because they are rocketing up the poles really means fuck all in this context. The shiteness of FF and FG is helping. Everyone knows they’ll be a disaster in power but they’ll get their chance soon. They’ll see then that throwing mud from the sidelines is where they are more comfortable

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Time for change anyone but FF/FG
And you I or anyone else for that matter can tell how disastrous or brilliant they’ll be
No one else to vote for tbh

Major hun worry underway in the black north

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Second apology from doug

That is crass. Even Boris Johnson would be embarrassed by it

I’m goes to show how detached he is from reality that he thought it was funny in the first place, what an idiot

Sunday next

Lovely hurling

Doug looks rightly fucked. Mad that this stuff didn’t come out before now.

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Doug Beattie would be a great addition to the terrible jokes thread.

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Doug will be fine. Nothing has happened Jim Allister for supporting a wife beating paedophile.

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Doug has just told nolan that a joke was made when he was in the army and that “there was still that toxic testosterone”.

I’m offended