The north/really good looking fellas

Judging by the unionist response to Fosters video many of them would give their vote to Sinn Fein as opposed to DUP. What a masterstroke by one of the greatest strategists of them all. God speed Martin. Prayers up.

You’d have to wonder about Fosters PR / Strategy advice in this. She’s made a dog’s dinner of every move.

The DUP had their knickers in a twist lately over a new bill to make public significant political donations, the UUP as well.

In the words of @MaryLouMcDonald “we’re scarlet for you” #cringe #irishjournalism
Who’s this gobshite Ryan?

Lads, what do we think of Naomi Long?

The clip of her media address on the RTE news was astonishing.
She is blaming Sinn Fein for causing another election, causing instability with Brexit approaching all while they should be investing in schools & creating jobs.

The dozy cunt wasted enough money on wood burners to sort out any education issues they have. She is without doubt the most horrible cunt I’ve set eyes upon in a long long time.


Also why is she being interviewed with a hair straighteners?

Is she eligible for a nomination?

Does it matter.

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Martin is the greatest Irish man ever.


More like Naomi Wide…


Does she have a hoist for when she gets off the toilet bowl?

I believe that old H & W crane in Belfast is idle these days and could be put to some use.

Arlene foster is simply a Robinson puppet. Robinson is interested only in money.
That is all.

The DUP is only interested in feathering their own nests and fuck everyone else whether your Orange or not. Shower of despicable cunts the lot of them.


Is that not every political party ever?


Not Sinn Féin surely

Dup seem especially bad.

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The DUP are the worst of the lot of them because of this Holier than Thou attitude that they give off. The fact that they are the most hateful bunch of ignorant bigots to ever walk the earth. The party that hates everything and everybody unless you agree with their beliefs.

Hopefully this will remove the fuckers now and send back under the rocks they crawled out from under. Just heard Jeffery Donaldson on Newstalk there saying that this is all Sinn Fein’s fault, that the DUP have done nothing wrong.