The north/really good looking fellas

How does someone in UUP not go back through his twitter to make sure he’s not said anything as stupid as the above.

Also who tells a joke where they are themselves in the joke, and not even the butt of the joke. That’s psychopath behaviour

[quote=“Julio_Geordio, post:5394, topic:11573, full:true”] That’s psychopath behaviour

Well he was in the British Army.

He’s squirming away on radio ulster now…we’ve moved on to jokes about travellers.
Nothing sectarian so far…remarkable

He is grilling Doug over calling the French garlic munchers, but Allister and Bryson got a free pass and no interrogations for supporting Davy Tweed.

Apart from being far too proud of his STD joke there’s nothing much there tbh

Took in Omagh last weekend. I know flegs tend to be frowned upon up North, but even still the total absence of any Tyrone fleg in the town, I found somewhat bizarre. It’s not like Tyrone win Sam every year.

Omagh would be a nationalist town too, or mixed?

70% Nationalist. The only thing I can think of is they left flags up for a few months, and then took them down so as to not piss off the other side (Protestants, not Mayo).

No they were never really up. Tyrone is primarily a soccer county, wouldn’t have near the same interest in GAA as Derry or Down. You see that not just by their almost complete lack of interest in hurling, but the amount of lads from nationalist backgrounds there that go on to play for Northern Ireland at Windsor Park.


Not a gaa county…hence their abject failure in club competitions…why I’d more provincial senior club medals in by pocket by the tender age of 15 than the current Tyrone panel currently have between them.


Tyrone is the only GAA county that wasn’t a real historical county. They don’t have a lot of passion for their team.

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Informative post.

I should add that the mood around Omagh was what I would describe as downbeat. It doesn’t exude the same outwardness of Donegal or Fermanagh. The same level of friendliness wasn’t there.

What took you to Omagh, if you don’t mind me asking. The folk park is well worth a visit, otherwise I wouldn’t have thought it would get any tourists

Had a week off, I’d never been there before, so pure curiosity. Yep went out to the Folk Park, a good way to spend 90 minutes. Went out touring parts of the Sperrins too.


Did you bother with the Glenelly Valley?..Plumbridge to Draperstown…barnes gap etc. Lovely part of the world if you like a bit of fly fishing and don’t mind not catching anything. Apparently there’s a hape of money earmarked for that part of the world…tracks and car parks, the odd picnic table etc. It’ll put glorified slums like the ring of kerry to shame

I did Barnes Gap. Amazing what you’d find up there :sweat_smile:

Went through Plumbridge, Gortin Glens, etc.

There be lots of gold round there so I’m told.


A car I’d say. The pony and trap is a Kerry thing mainly. Christ but you’re a nosy hoor.

There a lovely view of sligo from Leitrim

I’ll day Peugeot 205, or maybe a nova?
Where’s @carryharry when you need him?