The north/really good looking fellas



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You have to wonder who does the ironing in his house

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Fairly stuck it to him though :muscle:

I see we finally have official confirmation from the ombudsman that the Sean Graham bookies massacre was collision and a whole lot more incidents besides

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yeah but what about what about what about the IRA etc …

How much priority RTÉ give this story will tell a lot. There were decent types in FF one time who knew this was going on, be interesting to see the new FF completely ignore this or bring the Ira into it. Sad really

The DUPers are out condemning the RA today while not even mentioning loyalist atrocities…

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These ppl must be wondering was it all worth it?
Republic never achieved
Country run by woke bastards
Unqualified cunts in the main who know or care fuck all about the country

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On a lighter note these inscriptions are magic

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When are you running for election? Why would anyone be a politician?! It would be great if the best minds of the country ran the country but why would they, the pay is shit and the abuse is relentless no matter what they do, therefore you end up with ‘unqualified cunts’ as politicians. It’s not unique to Ireland…


And if you think your mates in SF will do a better job you are in for some kick in the hole when they are in power, not that long from now, I can’t wait…

Careful what you ask for…

Good 'ol @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy before he headed into the Wolfe Tone.

In fairness jay, looking at the number of millionaires in Dail Eireann, the pay is really quite good.

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