The north/really good looking fellas

It is but not enough to attract any senior executives or CEOs from any corporates who would have the acumen to run a country properly

The salary for Director General of the HSE is very attractive yet we still wound up with Paul Reid.


Pay isn’t shite
And unqualified cunts reference was aimed at majority of ministers for health
Who created the obsolete over managed HSE monster
Children hospital fiasco
A quick exit to other countries for newly qualified doctors
( solely because of gross mismanagement
Crazy hours / conditions- pay)

We’ve ministers for education ( v majority) who never set foot in a classroom to teach)
A green clown who’s running carbon taxes and creating bicycle lanes where there’s no need at a time when the country needs to be on its feet and mobile

ALL mainstream parties have let the insurance companies create a monopoly

Ministers of justice ( all past ) unwilling to sort out the sentencing debacle we have
Unwilling to reform our gardai ( overdue)

Won’t build enough prison spaces so we have weekly
Latchicos waltzing into court with dozens of convictions getting away with suspended sentences or minimal jail time
Sane ministers have closed Garda stations up n down the land
Thus allowing traveller gangs to target our elderly with ease or fear

And it goes on and on with this and previous governments

And don’t get me started with the lack of care or maintenance of our special schools etc - farce

Our young with enormous mental health issues can’t get help when they need it

We’ve a serious lack of qualified counsellors
And no where to put our young troubled kids

This government is a fuckin farce of a monopoly
Voted in and out since the state’s foundation and now we’re reaping our just rewards
Country is in a bad way and needs change NOW

And your snide reference to “my friend’s “
They’re not - I voted SF for the first time in the free states last time out
Only reason was locally there’s a good man who needed a chance to try and change
If there’ was any other alternative to the clowns in FF/ FG they’d get my no 1 ASAP
But there’s no one else able or willing to take ff/FG on


I mentioned similar to Danny Morrison lately in public on Twitter
Words to the effect “
You’ll ( SF) only get one chance down here to prove your worth
Fuck up or disappoint and SF in the free state will face oblivion

So I believe that they need a chance to show via housing/ homelessness/ HSE re jigging etc etc that they have the stomach to fight for the ppl
Not become wealthy on tbe back of the public

I’ve friends working in various jobs in tbe HSE and local co and city council

If what they continually tell me is only half true there’s enormous waste continuously being allowed to happen
Contracts being handed out to the same groups for generations etc etc

It is criminal the waste of money that goes on in the public services, this is why whisteblowers are hung drawn and quartered in this country when they stick their heads above the parapet. Just look at that absolute cunt Watt yesterday at the Dail Health committee, the guy doesn’t give a fuck because he knows that he is untouchable.

My cousin is a Doctor in the HSE and everytime he moves hospital he is treated as a new employee by that hospital and the timesheets he says he fills in and then they get handed off to someone else for them to fill in elsewhere. Not to mention the IT systems as we all know about that.

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Feck didn’t know about the doctor move thing
All good ( all) including bread meals desert etc are dumped
Not even allowed to donate locally
Building materials etc etc dumped
And so it goes on

They reveal that patients in public hospitals in Ireland who have had hip replacements have the third-longest wait out of 17 countries.

I think what the goal of FF/FG governments is to run down services so much so that they can then hold up their hands and say look we need to privatise the services. That way then they hand off all responsibility claim they are saving money and don’t have to anything.

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I agree- Mary Harney tried it thankfully fell flat on her fat arse
FG will undoubtedly try this again as they are unwilling and unable to change
Only interested in keeping SF out to the detriment of the country
FF and the blueshirt mob know full well that they ate destined to the sidelines WHEN the shinners get in
There’s no easy fix but FFS lads we need change surely even die in the wool sheep who consistently vote mainstream can understand this
Change needed- change coming
And if Mary Lou and company don’t bring change or become part of the status quo
Then vote them out


It’s a shit show
Politicians in the 6 counties being paid to do naught

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SF in the past few days finally beginning to put the pressure on re Noah Donohoe. What took them so long is anyone’s guess, still utter silence from all other parties in the Assembly.

The whole case stinks to the high heavens, somebody is being protected.

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Why do you think a capitalist would want to run a country properly. CEOs are incentivised by running companies to make money, to enrich themselves. Part of the reason the Free State has useless politicians is the fact that there is a huge pay involved and little accountability on the line. The two health ministers who presided over the childrens hospital fiasco are probably the current leader of FG and what will be his successor. They are never accountable for their failures. The salaries of Watt and Reid…for what…more shambolic mismanagement…unaccountable.

The salaries and the persk need to be cut, the jobs need to be targeted not at careerists but people with a sense of vocation.

Good luck with that one :+1:t2:

No problem. I don’t think the govt would miss any of the current ministers it has. It’s not exactly if Harris, Varadkar, Martin, Donnelly or O’Brien etc are in anyway competent of capable politicians.

Cut the base salary by 75% and if they want to meet the full salary set specific targets that are challenging but achievable given to the correct person

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The attractive salaries are still returning incompetent halfwits and brazen self-serving arseholes so I don’t see any merit to them.

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Don’t know the detailed background but the poor kids mother is doing good work keeping the case as high profile as she can

Something stinks about the whole thing

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To the high heavens. The fact a case like this is getting so little traction in the media, political sphere and with so much dodgy dealings by the police means it certainly looks like someone is implicated who doesn’t want to be implicated.

She is a warrior and I hope she gets the answers she’s looking for as I seriously worry for her mental health if authorities keep stonewalling here.


Spotlight tonight covering Martin O’Hagan’s killing…as usual up to their necks in collusion.

The vocal western warmongers wouldn’t be interested in British war crimes though…