The north/really good looking fellas

If the Unionist weirdos do start acting the violent maggots will the Nationalist maggot types be happy to start reprisals?

Will the public on both sides fuck them under the Bus?

Or is there possibilities of a whole lot of good being undone by a very bad few?


senior DUP politician told one rally that if the government could stand up for Ukraine, it could stand up for the union.


You seen how quick the bird was lifted for the hoax bomb. The loyalists have zero assistance from the brits now. The coppers know who they all are. Any trouble and they’ll be rounded up along with their money and drugs. They wont be soon stopping then.

There is zero appetite to return to the troubles, most ordinary folk are just getting on with their lives. The brits also have no fight left in the game. They threw them under the bus over the protocol and they are not going back on it. Its just Bryson, Moore Holmes and a few rabble rousers that are trying to stir it. Their rallys have marching bands who will walk anywhere and a few hundred in the crowd. Zero support.

The DUP wont vote for Michelle O’Neill as FM. Complete stalemate with pressure building for a border poll.


The brits want rid of the dup and the dup are doing their best to oblige. Refusing to say they’ll nominate a deputy first minister is a boost to sf and a blow to sdlp. Meanwhile the British government are reminding us of us of unionist intransigence by dragging their feet over an irish language act. Soon stephen nolan will drag up or rehash some sf scandal in an attempt to damage their prospects, as in previous years it’ll just remind nationalists to vote.


The unionists can do little other than sporadic thuggery without the implicit and explicit backing of the British army, which they no longer have. A few pipe bombs, with indiscriminate damage and likely maiming and loss of life, and they will have the support of hardly anyone. They will be exposed and caught I suspect, one way or another. There is no long grass for the fcukers anymore. I just hope republicans don’t respond, as they are winning the war, and have no need to fight a battle (poor analogy). It is crucial that they be seen as moderate, as reunification will be greatly hastened if the moderate majority of protestants don’t fear them.

Unionists, religion doesn’t come into this.

I thought unionists was the wrong phrase to use, as many of them aren’t that bothered, and religion, unfortunately, does come into it.
Shall we just call them “themuns”, same as they call us?

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The penny finally drops for Ian.


Took quite some time.

Two generations

Old but great…


I sympathise with the dup here. Yes they were told repeatedly what would happen, but some of those doing the telling were taigs while others were women…so they had to be ignored and their advice ‘gone against’.


Clued in Labour Politicians
Mo Mowlam - Didn’t take herself too seriously. Brought levity and no nonsense approach.
Paul Murphy - Solid.
Peter Hain - A class act on the north.

Clueless Labour Politicians
Peter Mandelson - Big ego, took over from Mowlam and wanted to make a mark. Irked many and over complicated things.
Kate Hoey - Dangerous

Clued in Tories
Julian Smith - Came across well. Brian Rowan writes very well on his impact
John Major - Was in a difficult position but he tried to build the process with hands tied.

Clueless Tories
Paddy Mayhew - Irritating
Boris Johnson - Pure reckless
John Bruton - What a nasty influence. Warned Blair that Ahern might be too green and soft to Sinn Féin. An utter wrecking ball with no self awareness, a high degree of confidence and ignorant on Irish identity.



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You left out the category clueless and proud of it- Theresa Villiers

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Long live the protocol

The cunt that encouraged people not to pay property tax despite pating his own?

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