The north/really good looking fellas


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Some good comedy this morning. Poor auld Doug Beattie is a lundy and traitor, Jim Allister gurnin’ and clips of some yank pastor called “Rusty Thomas”, who looks like an uber Roaster.

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Nolan’s nothing but a false prophet
God only knows who he’s really working for
Utter cunt with orange :tangerine: running through him

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Youd wonder why he doesn’t change his surname

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He’s only working for himself. Easily bought I’d say


Destroyed my mates livelihood
He’s an orange bastard through and through
Yeah he plamases paddy easy
Destroyed his union career live on air despite promising only relevant questions about union affairs
Brought up his paramilitary past - bingo job career gone

Someone would have eventually brought it up.

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Wasn’t hiding it but left it all behind him
Did his time
( locked up in Maghaberry with a Cork political prisoner who absolutely drove him bananas
Cork this Cork that- bigger better etc)

Prior to show basic questions were handed out and categorically Ciaran told him he wouldn’t partake unless guaranteed his previous wasn’t brought up

Last question, and Mr Cunningham about your republican past—————,

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Ciaran was also a victim of the conflict
Bro in law shot dead
Several members of his wife’s family taken out by loyalists
Several jailed etc etc
Guy was on his way to become a solicitor- gone

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What about William Crawley. The loyalists don’t like him either.

He’s what’s referred to as a garden centre unionist. Loyalists hate everyone btw, except the queen



Ah stop?? He met someone from Cork who did his head in about Cork and it’s over inflated image of itself among Carkies?? Never! :eek:


Someone would have brought it up eventually. They always do!

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Honest to God
Know of this particular chap
Bit innocent
But tbh I was just like him at times in Derry
Era he was homesick

Go way?? That’s 2 lads from Cork with an over inflated sense of importance of the place?

Would there be many more of ye like that do you think?


Jim Wells on Nolan this morning. Top class as usual. Jim is endorsing the TUV candidate in south down after the DUP dumped him. Other Jim nodding in approval

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