The north/really good looking fellas

My grandads place of rest
Duagh cemetery, (this morning)co Kerry
Oglaigh Tomas Fitzgerald
Duagh company
Kerry no 1 Brigade
Ex republican prisoner Wormswood scrubs
He never took the soup!
To my shame my first visit in 53 years


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Thanks for posting that. You were gone before I could get the chance to read it.

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Yep. Fine job :+1:

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Can you post this article…


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Sorry Sir. Dont have a subscription

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Eoin is a snowflake’s snowflake.

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Eoin is 23 years old, I think we can afford him some leeway with the wokeness. He is a fairly impressive operator from what I have seen of him, it will be a fine day for the parish if he takes the seat off Diane Dodds.


23 year olds shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near politics. They should have half a lifetime’s graft, experience, service and success behind them. These pointy elbowed entitled wee fuchers have zero self-awareness if they did theyd keep their mouths shut for fear of embarrassing themselves. He’s a grand fellow for endless utterances concerning the usual social justice related cliches, but hes really just there because he licks round Long. If he was any sort of a man she couldn’t cope.
If dodds gets kicked to the kerb it’ll be more to do with her own uselessness and the more general subtle shifts in sectarian nuance.


I’d largely agree with you that a bit of experience should be acquired before going into politics but I think there is probably a greater disconnect between the youth and the average politician up here than anywhere else and that some young faces are badly needed. Iv had 2 campaigners knock on the door so far, Tennyson and Carla Lockhart campaigning for Dodds, not much deliberation required between them two.

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Cant argue with you there

Was a good debate on the economics of the protocol between some experts yesterday on the radio - ended in stalemate

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This is great radio cc @glenshane


Laois girl Elsie Trainor is running for the SDLP in the Assembly Elections in South Belfast. She had a bit of run in with some scrotes during her campaigning. Elsie didnt back down to be fair to her.

Have we an NI election thread? This could be epic.

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