The north/really good looking fellas

Most people who attend the various events won’t see anything like this. You’re just a bigot searching for ammo.

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Timmy needs this, leave him have it.

Ah yes, nobody would have noticed it

Northern republicans really are a special breed of idiot. Peas in a pod with their Loyalist countrymen. No wonder Sinn Féin and the DUP agree to carve up funding annually for their respective regressive Fests.

Youre hatred is lovely to see.

As I’ve said to you before, it’s a positive to the side of me that doesn’t want a United Ireland. These mutants are setting it back decades.

Anyone who thinks that 10,000 people can gather and there wouldn’t be idiots amongst them must have lived a very sheltered life. There is some progressive leadership within the republican community which is why there is only one community with a hopeful future.

Who said that?
Bigotry relies on ignorance and stupidity, so i suppose we can’t really blame you.

No one has ever denied thst there isn’t idiots in every and any community. That’s society every where. But youre confusing a culture sustained over hundreds of years and isolated displays of idiocy.

Will you move with Arlene if there’s ever unification?

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There won’t be with mutants like this. They could have left the pitch in 1998 and actually battled for a UI, instead it’s about being the “winners” in headcount politics.

Not a peep about the Up The Ra stuff, I wonder why. This is the culture they ferment and the bonfire is an extension of that.

To be fair that lassie’s tricolour bandana which we could only see “…HE RA” written on could have been a reference to 1980s cartoon superhero She Ra.

I think she should be given the benefit of the doubt on the matter anyway.

Am still laughing at the name kneecap

I’d be fairly certain the bonfire wasn’t built by Sinn Fein voters, it’s very existence shows the balancing act required by SF to bring the majority of republicans with them. The fact that these are not far more widespread is due to good sensible leadership.


Listened to Austin Stack on Newstalk this morning.

He wants primary school and secondary school curriculums to be changed and kids to be taught about IRA violence and Sinn Feins leaders involvement.

He wants hotels and other venues that host bands like the Wolfe Tones who sing rebel songs to not host such acts.

He thinks media are too complicit and biased in their coverage and wants mature reflection here totally missing irony of course that he was unchallenged on his soapbox for 15 minutes on Newstalk.

He says he gets retraumatised by hearing songs like Sean South of Garryowen but wants to traumatise young kids, whose fault is they werent born in the 70s or 80s, because they might not be cognisant of their violent past and vote for Sinn Féin.


There was a purge of people like Harris, Myers, Dudley Edwards alright but they had been writing and recycling the same pieces for many years. If they werent the authors of their own downfall they would likely have followed a fate akin to the old school sports panelist thats perceived more a dinosaur than a sage who eventually gets turfed out for new blood. I think a lot of it stems from their conservative ideology rather than any anti nationalist, anti republican rhetoric or ideology.

You’ve listed a load of things Stack apparently argued there but don’t give any counter argument against any of them.

And where did he say he wants to traumatise children?

Have you reached the stage of such fanaticism where you consider accurate history to be “a traumatisation of children”?

Do you know how ludicrous that sounds? It’s an argument for censorship and fake history - lies in other words.

That’s what Putin does.

And are Sinn Fein proud of their history or are they ashamed of it? They’ll have to make up their mind.

If they’re proud of it, that seems like a pretty good rationale for them to want children to learn about it on the curriculum.

If they’re ashamed of it, that seems a pretty good rationale to want children to learn about it on the curriculum.

If my father was murdered by the IRA I’d probably take that shit personally as well, it must be genuinely distressing for him and his family to witness glorification of the RA,

The whole Irish state was built on glorifying the IRA.

Rebel tunes are catchy. Kinky boots my favourite.