The north/really good looking fellas

Bondi today seemingly


Miss Moneypenny

The IRA is free to join now? CHARGE!

That would mean they’d have to tell their own voters vote DUP. First minister is domain of the largest party regardless of Green/Orange block

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In fairness,since riggins is American, he probably thinks the world was created flat about 6000 years ago also.

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Sure it’s obvious there is more to it than SF, do you think that’s cutting analysis or something?

Where I blame SF is that they thrive off the division. They have barely grown the nationalist vote in 25 years but lined their pockets with jobs. They engaged in the sectarian carve up with the DUP.

They didn’t need to exist after 1998 and are an active impediment to a UI, they’re a gift to loyalists really but lads are too thick to see that.

Is that you Nadine?

Uppity Catholics. Wouldn’t matter what we give them, they’d always be looking for more

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Aside from winning the nationalist vote from the SDLP (but barely moving the nationalist vote overall), this is the sole other achievement of SF since 1998- convincing Catholics and Nationalists that their campaign was justified.

Another Crossmaglen man bites the dust. A bad bastard this lad.
Cross must be a very strange, terrifying place …

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They don’t call it bandit country for nothing.

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Believe it or not catholics and nationalists can think for themselves. The northern ireland project has failed and our elections are little more than a dry run for a referendum. Support for sinn fein grew after the ira ceasefire, it would collapse if there was any talk of going back to violence.
This latest predictable one-sided clamour by indignant virtuous onlookers is seen for what it is- sheer bigotry

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No mention of the Sons involvement?

IRA at play as Dan will be along to tell us soon

Indeed they can- and in 1998 they overwhelmingly rejected IRA violence. Now polls of the new generation shows they agree with it.

An excellent bit of conditioning by SF, something that makes a UI harder but how and ever.

The latest figures on nationality and opinions are a disaster for a UI but SF’s own “electoral progress” because unionism has splintered is covering that up. At least the Belfast boys got a pension.

I wonder is the Garda who refused to turn up kn court still serving?

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That kind of behaviour merits promotion in that part of the country.