The north/really good looking fellas

You’re assuming that political trends folloeing specific patterns and are not subject to sudden changes.

We know this isn’t correct and younger voters are more concerned with issues these days as @Thomas_Brady correctly pointed out.

You can’t be a slave to data as it disregards too many factors in order to try and get a definite answer. Humans don’t behave in expected manners.

And yet there you were with your “survey” trying to support your argument.

Your argument boils down to that you “reckon” but you have nothing to point to support that except for a 19 year old that doesn’t care about the Battle of the Boyne.

Says the chap who wants to uproot his family to a sunnier climate.

I was marrying the survey to what I’ve experienced and referred to it as my opinion.

Again- you “reckon” is the height of your argument here.

That was a year ago… You need to stop living in the past

It was a few months ago iirc, probably when Ireland had a couple of bad weeks of summer weather and you got itchy feet.

I wasn’t arguing. Don’t be so precious because someone has a different opinion.

I wouldnt join them in the rosary

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Tim, the unionists are the ones lounging around at home answering the landline to pollsters.

So bloody what. Stormont was a nothing but a distraction and a stalling tactic, to tide us over until the inevitable. Its politicians are mostly a bunch of town councillors whom most of us wouldn’t even recognise on the street. Essentially it’s a bit of a sectarian headcount, onr that’s clearly becoming outdated.
Anyone genuinely interested will find the majority here are hardworking, forward thinking, savvy and sound. Societally speaking we’re probably a lot less less of a basket case than Leinster…that said we’ll take you on, even if it means a rise in our taxes…we’re all irish after all


For the extremes it’s merely a way to give them jobs more like. And they aren’t in a hurry to give them up.

Status quo suits down to the ground for them.

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Chillax man. Shur you can’t base a constitution on a small minority headcases.

It’s grand, I’m in no hurry either way. Nobody is up there either.

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The usual time of year to be reminded why John Bruton was such a despicable politician.


Clinton’s role in delivering peace in NI should never be underestimated

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Nordies have an awful hard on for rte.

They’re lucky it’s blocked .

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He’s probably using a VPN for IPTV.

He’ll have to get onto Bang