The north/really good looking fellas

Mark made a bollocks of that @ as well.

Time for the planters to go home

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Fuck off @locke

@Locke is not to he touched

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Can we just pillage and rape?

I think we’ve proved that already



As usual it’s unionist politicians inciting the bigots and lighting the fuse for them. Same as it was during the troubles, none of them ever held accountable for it. Countless sectarian civilian murders and killings on the foot of unionist politicians building their communities up into a mass of misplaced sectarian frenzy.

The bigot in this case is Anne Smyth, a recent TUV local election candidate but more worryingly the mother of the current head of BBC NI.


@chairmandan taking the election results poorly.


Unionists are shitting themselves.

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The nationalist/Republican vote has barely moved in a quarter of a century despite favourable demographics and Brexit.

No real fear for Unionists for a United Ireland but they are certainly better off not engaging in prep for it. I’m sure the British government would react with glee if there was any engagement on the topic but looks like they’re stuck with them.

So you’re not “shitting yourself”?

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No fear? Unionism is shrinking in every which way… The population that identify as Unionist is older and getting older …the nationalist vote is increasingly younger. The growing middle ground may nit be enough to stem off a UI as unionism continues to shrink.

2050 is still looking good.


Yup, no fear because the vote has barely moved in a generation despite so many favourable things for a UI.

Elections, census and broad surveys show it isn’t happening.

PSF supplanting the SDLP and the DUP is not the same thing, just rearranging deckchairs.

Perhaps in 3-4 years when PSF get a taste of power in the south and the First Minister role that the failure to shift opinion will be confronted. By that stage though the favourable position the North gets from the Protocol will likely further entrench the Union.

If someone is of the Unionist persuasion the last few years have been great. It’s all in spite of political Unionism though.

I think you’ve missed the part where unionism is disappearing