The north/really good looking fellas

That’s it the DUP want to exploit sectarian tensions so they can make sure they keep their vote intact after making a holy show of themselves of late. Laughing at them is the best response.

we should start making and planting again


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Gerry has a lovely sense of humour.

This O’Neill one seems to be a complete lightweight and Foster is a reprehensible cunt.


His finest hour was the time Charli Bird climbed up on a fence in to get a better vantage point at some press conference or rally. Gerry spotted him and sang Leonard Cohen’s “Bird on a Wire” up at him.

Forget the undies today selfie ???

Agreed, I wasn’t impressed by her “talk to the hand” style response yesterday.

Martin McGuinness, big Man Utd fan and admirer of Denis Irwin…

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Nembo_Kid


Only a complete dimwit wouldn’t be a big fan of Denis Irwin tbf


no comment

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He only mentions meeting him. Calm down.

Only for having IRA protection the Dutch would have assassinated him.


Are you saying Irwin is in the ra?

Papa Smurf - he’s in the ra


A great passion towards education.

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18 Brits blown to bits
Down by the Narrow Water

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So there I was an hour ago walking down the Dublin Road in Belfast, not on the beer but with some of my own family and another family travelling with us. Local scally leaning on rail outside tesco express clocks us, offers a cigarette he was smoking then gives high five and vigorous handshake. Rounds out with a big smile and says “fuck the pope”. What do you do next?