The north/really good looking fellas

At least until the it’s signed for

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No clue, but almost all of the firms I worked for during the celtic tiger went bust and the chances of having any comeback with any of those firms remind me of the used car salseman in our area when we were growing up when he was pressed on the details of a guarantee. He replied, ‘The only guarantee I can give you is when you drive off this forecourt, it’s got fuck all to do with me’. Maybe rural, family owned builders would be different, but I believe the Dublin apartment block builders got away with murder. Shoddily put together crap, poorly insulated, and damp infested within a couple of years.



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He was a character. He had a butchers, grocery store, sold and fixed motors. One day a sales rep who would stock his shop came and started rhyming off his deals. The sales rep tried to get him to buy a toothpaste brand in large quantity with a heavy discount. The owner summoned him to follow him into the back, and proceeded to the store and pointed at a whole back wall full of toilet roll and exclaimed, ‘Look at that…if I can’t get these cunts to wipe their arses, what chance have I got to get them to clean their teeth?’


That could be the high point of Jamie’s profile building. A 10 month prison sentence for death threats from his own community tells ya a bit about his standing among the grassroots. And yesterday Donaldson had a right cut at him in Westminster, so the days of them standing together on a flatbed truck in Markethill are seemingly over as well.



You’d have to feel that there must be the faintest stirring feeling amongst southern republicans if it’s still a good idea to bring the six counties back into the fold when it happens to be partly inhabited by mongos of this magnitude.


Vincent Kearney replacing Tommie Gorman is like Jurgen Klopp replacing Brendan Rodgers.



Poor little delusional Jamie :roll_eyes:
Always in or causing bother

That’s Mellon
( suit on left- facing colour party)
His brother Stevies funeral
( Stevie was a good guy and did me a turn or 2)

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Tommy was sharper than a lemon, God love him. I’d say that black suit got plenty of use.

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Sharp is right,
Other bros Pearse n Sean - gents
As was poor Stevie
Sean singlehanded kept hurling alive in the city,
Half are plumbers
Half teachers
All plumbers ended up in the Kesh,
Teachers stayed away from politics,
Concentrated on GAA,
Tommys father was county board and an escapee from Derry gaol,
Good family tbh,
But tbh never took to Tommny junior,



Yeah, I never connected positively with him either, and spent time in Buncrana, Derry and Washington D.C with him. I don’t know was it from years of being suspicious of absolutely everybody or if he just had the personality of a cactus.

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Connection is cracked

Cactus I’d suggest as the rest
Though serious had a personality

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Could somebody who actually has an interest in policy detail please expand on this “deal”?

From my cursory skim watching of BBC Newsline here, it would seem the DUP have got basically everything they wanted as regards GB-NI trade and the EU have given them an oul’ nod and a wink and muttered “go on” under their breath like a weary steward allowing a 16 year old with a fake ID access to the bar at an Oasis concert at Pairc Ui Chaoimh?

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