The north/really good looking fellas

I cant envisage him spending a night in jail

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I see that since having to spend time away from the wife he has grown a new beard. Should be helpful before the judge, hard to think of anyone found guilty of these type crimes in the past who had the scraggly grey beard look.


I think he’ll just be found some morning, police wont be looking for anyone in connection with the incident .there was always talk that he partied while over in Westminster…a bit more than talk actually.
On a completely unrelated matter, do you remember those super-injunctions?

You must be disappointed you don’t get to vote for him this time.

Good riddance to the Paisley clan!
Dance Dancing GIF by Soul Train


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Fucking brilliant. How’s your potholes and hedges @glenshane ?

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Jaysus. His accent is like a parody of a north down english wannabe


The people have spoken, the bastards



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Starmer in his Donegal rig-out. Former human rights adviser to the Northern Ireland Policing Board and chooses Hilary Benn as his NI Secretary, whose father was a lifelong vocal supporter of a united Ireland. Interesting times. Starmer claims to be a unionist, but I feel that we’ll see movement on the six counties between now and the next election.

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He has no Irish heritage.

Oddly enough through work someone told me the other day that some insider in Westminster mentioned to them that a lot of money will be pumped into the occupied six soon.
I know, it’s friend of a friend said ….

So long as they finish off Casement Park before they leave…




What would the likelihood of a united Ireland majority be in the republic?

I haven’t read that but seemingly economically we can’t afford to take it on.

If the ordinary Paddy was told it would cost him 20K in additional taxes over the next 10 years, I wonder how he’d vote.

You should probably ditch Leitrim so, and Longford…and donegal is a bit of a drain


There isn’t a whole pile left north of Dublin after that.