The north/really good looking fellas

@Malarkey should Google ‘paul in ul when he was 20’ and he can lash up a pic of me …

I can’t believe he wanted to have a pic off :joy:

I’m not good looking after 20 either.

My jaw tends to fall away once I get past about 13, by 20 it isn’t even possible to get a picture of my face.

One for the NiceGuysFinishLast meme pool I’d say.

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I just got onto the mother there and she pulled out one i did for an audition for Celia Holman Lee model agency when i was 23


Wow you looked super man.


Here’s a picture of me at 15. I’m inside the red circle.


You look like an awful steamer there



Only with attention-seeking under/over breastfed morons do I get to be Tommy Ramone. A sort of bliss.

Chocolate Mice… Is right. The small mickey merchants are easy to tell.

If I posted here the whole time, obviously, TFK could make serious money.

How do you know when a solicitor is lying ?
His/her lips are moving.


Throw up another picture of yourself there… Maybe one at 30 and another at 40 and we see where it all started to go wrong for you.

I’m still a stud

Youve been challenged a piece of chalk and ruler, imperial measurements is needed now

You told us once on here that you were a black man. Or semi-black or something like that.

Aye, a plank with a Jesus complex. I suppose the similarity is a stud also gets nails driven into it.

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America can be great again… But you can’t. Hawking around a picture of yourself that’s nearly 40 years old and one which depicts your life defining moment… right eye over left :rofl:

Im harder than nails

Brian McEnquiff

I really am fascinated by the vehicles in this photo.

I may have observed this before but what were the chances of snapping this Rover (or was it Austin?) car in its better days? Same registration number and all.


That car peeping out from behind you. Is it a Renault 5? I think it is. I was bored there one day not too long ago and went through every number from 1 to 25 to try and remember if there was a Renault for each number. I got 4, 5, 9, 11, 18, 19, 21 and 25. There might have been a Renault 20 but I can’t picture.

The yellow van looks like something from The Sweeney from which bad robbers wearing tights over their head would jump out.

That white car on the right - is it a Mazda 323?

I don’t know what the black car partially obscured by the Rover is. Even trying to focus on it is driving me potty.

That bus in the background - I’ve most likely been on that and sang “stop the bus I wanna wee wee” and “Why are we waiting? We are suffocating.”