The north/really good looking fellas

A good mate of mines sister was a witness in that case.She lived beside them and saw the killers.She had to move to Canada as her life was in jeopardy afterwards.


His brothers were, more accurately - three of them involved

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Reading about Finucane’s actual killing there.

Sledgehammer to break down the door, into the kitchen where the family are having a meal, shot him twice, he fell to the floor then pumped 12 bullets into his face while the kids cowered under the table.

Crazy time. Rumours that Mad Dog Adair was one of the gunmen.

Murdered by the British state.
Who were the main cause of the conflict, who repeatedly inflated ira numbers due to their coercive measures and through their murderous espionage like in this case and the Miami showband Massacre, they escalated already barbarous violence .
Hopefully some day their real part is laid bare


Not to mention the situation with the RUC, particularly in the early days.

Catholics being attacked, first port of call would be the police normally but they were also doing the attacking!

Where could they go for safety other than to the IRA? Indeed, what else could a lot of Catholics do but join together into a group to protect their own community?


What about the people who didn’t join the IRA?

Good card players!

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There was nothing wrong with that

There was no justification for the IRA from mid 70s. A group set up to protect their own community who ended up murdering 3 or 4 hundred of them and who used their violence to settle personal disputes. I am sure they were set up with the best of intentions but gangsterism took over which is understandable if you put guns power and money in hands of young men.

The British state ensured the IRA flourished

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You’d have loved them if they’d used pagers though :grinning:

The IRA were in decline from the mid 70s.

Warren point and Mountbatten were both 1979. Both top class exercises… No decline there.

Technology and cowardness allowed them to prosecute their affair longer. Certain units like South Armagh became skilled, most didn’t.

IRA recruitment went downhill outside of the Hunger Strike period and that’s the key.

The off ramp was looked for. Those with a bit about them got into politics to administer British rule. I’m assuming those who liked the crime element stayed there and it was a good way to fund the pensions of the simpletons who couldn’t get a job on the British or Irish governments payroll.

Even away from criminality the dropping of bombs in Birmingham pubs in the mid 70’s was as heinous of acts as were carried out in the Troubles.

Only interested in mass casualties on British soil. Innocent civilians.

Any wonder the cops were wound up.

A few lads from council estates in Belfast and Derry and a few rural types from Tyrone / Armagh rattled the fuck out of the British state. We took one of their royals and were a few feet from taking that cunt Thatcher… Unreal from a few Paddys.


Derry and internment swelled the ranks

Sneering at the ira whilst sneering at the peace process is quite the stance…fair play to tim


Tim is American.
He went to fee paying school in Ireland.

He’ll never get us real Irish.

The same one as ruth dudley?