The north/really good looking fellas

Is it true that if the executive reforms Arlene Foster would be required to step down as leader of the DUP ?

No, it’s the opposite. If direct rule is imposed, she ceases to be an MLA and leader must be an MLA or at Westminster I think

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What’s the issue with this Irish act? Half the population up there are recognized as Irish citizens… Is she playing the wider GB card and a minority language being inflicted on them and next it will be Polish or Chinese etc. etc.

SF want similar rules to here around government documents and road signage for instance with both languages displayed. The DUP don’t.

Gov docs is a bit much and I can see where DUP are coming from…signage and the likes should be no problem… Start small and build.

Yeah agreed. A mental thing to derail talks imo but hardly surprising.

Sinn Fein are awful fucking gobshites to have boxed themselves in on this issue.

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The DUP outed for the Stone Age bigots they are.

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Welcome to 1986 .

Michelle O’Neill was very unconvincing when speaking with Mary Wilson this evening

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SF had a number of town halls meetings amongst voters. the feedback on issues such as this was that they should no longer accept being treated as second class citizens and to demand equality

The DUP should look at the demographic shifts happening and realise they should be more accommodating


It was like she was reading a script. For fuck sake only a few head the balls down here want to speak with the language. Why would the DUP impose it on their own people. We waste millions down here on pointless bilingualism.
Ticket Machine Measin Ticeid ——>


You’d only be burning money so you would


I asked on here before would people accept irelands call as the anthem and give up amhrainn na bhfiann for a united ireland. You can guess what the answer was. But they are the kind of sacrifices people would need to be willing to make. People on both sides miles away from that level of compromise still

She comes across very poorly in general. I would guess she’s not all that bright.


The nationalist community in BOI have a more positive view of the language than we have down here

Fuck off prodothy.

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Most people said anything but Oirelands call

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Mary Lou was asked a question in Gaelic yesterday and she didn’t have a breeze.

But it’s the DUP that have painted themselves into a corner here. Brexit and demographics mean northern ireland is on its last legs. It would be in their interest to cut a deal now but they are too bigoted.

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Who said what? I’d drop it in a heartbeat…