The north/really good looking fellas

Care to outline whose pockets have been lined or indeed what this lucrative Irish language industry is? Is it EU translation or what?

The scots sign companies are making a fortune with the additional letters…

It would be more in their line to try and start communicating properly in English for a start.

The Irish language is spoken by less than 2% of the population outside of schools on a daily basis.

It gets millions in funding.

People are feathering their nests.

Why don’t you try and increase the number or encourage more of it? Giving out about funding is ridiculous. It’s our language and needs to promoted.

Increase what number?

I’m asking for value for money.

Let’s start loading up the costs.

TG4 and RTÉ allocate about 50m euros annually to Irish language broadcasts.

The Gaeltacht, Irish Language and Islands budget is about 63m euros.

We haven’t considered the price of teachers at primary or secondary level, or the costs of training them.

Nor the costs of EU translators into the Irish language. It was estimated that there would be 180 jobs at an average of 100,000 euro a year for these with Irish becoming a full language. Add on whatever other operation budget costs onto that.

Add on the daily government costs for doing business in Irish.

The mandatory Irish speaking provisions at every turn.

That’s before we get to things like private money. Parents fork over hundreds on Irish language courses and grinds for exams. Those lovey big extensions in the West wouldn’t exactly exist without the mandatory examinations at LC.

Theres some quality Horseshit in the above.

My favourite bit is when you use the figure for the department for Heritage, culture and the gaeltacht (including islands) and rename it Gaeltacht Irish Language and islands.

Comedy gold.

Care to point out who the nest featherers are though? You’ve said it a few times? Everyone in counties Donegal, Kerry and Galway?

I’m right with you on value for money. Let’s introduce a policy where we execute everyone who turns 70 before they become a burden on the state. And anyone who has spent more than 3 years in prison, they’re obviously costing us a fortune.

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What’s the comedy bit?

The Gaeltacht gets funding because of the Irish language.

You’re getting up to stage four mate.

How is it justifiable to pay 180 translators at salaries of up to 100,000 euros a year to translate documents few will read?

43 euro per page.

It does absolutely nothing to improve the language in this country and is simply jobs for a select few.

You’re happy to put your head in the sand and resort to nonsense like the above to defend it. I assume you or your family have your hand in the honey pot.

In fairness you haven’t factored in the lost opportunity cost in Education. The hours devoted to Irish (and religion) could have been spent on STEM subjects.

Oh I know that. I was just getting started with the costs.

Less than 2% of the population speaking it at home but money and time being poured into it.

Gaelscoils I like because they are generally good schools but at the same time, how is this not controversial when people moan and moan about baptismal certs?

It’s segregation and is prioritizing existing speaking families. Immigrant? G’way.

This is why I firmly believe there is a quiet lobby of gaelgoirs delighted with the status quo.

Lots of jobs because you mandate the country “learns it”. Teach the language poorly so the pool doesn’t grow too much. Then send the kids off to gaelscoils and the cycle continues.

It was astonishing that this was kept out of the line of Fire of the Troika.

Ireland had lots of discretion under them actually. It was more an Examination process, keeping us out of the markets with some funding protection than anything else.

So we cut the crap out of CapEx and tried to keep the things that the lobby groups will moan about down.

Look the orange cunts will just have to learn irish. Soon they will the minority, the sooner they accept the better it will be. :grinning:


Gaelscoilleanna in Dublin arent really catering to an ‘existing’ speaking population in any meaningful sense. As you say there’s only 2% using the language on a daily basis. I was living around the corner from a gaelscoil when I was in Dublin and there was plenty of “New Irish” attending. Would immigrant families view picking up an extra language as much of an obstacle when they are coming here without English anyway?

The comedy bit is where you rename a government department to put the Irish Language front and centre when it’s nowhere near it. Trying to suggest money spent on Islands (quite often English speaking) as being a waste of money on Irish. thats Goebbels shit right there.

Foras na Gaeilge, the body to promote Irish over the whole Island ( including admin of gaelscoileanna) got 14 million in 2016, of which the british government paid a quarter. In 2017 that figure dropped to below 14million. Údurás na Gaeltachta (whose brief is to support businesses run inside the Gaeltacht) got 17 million. That’s pretty much it for the Irish language.
Feel free to pull as many bullshit figures out of your ass and throw out generalisations about the nest feathering going on but you have no actual idea about the funding of Irish in this country.

Your beloved FG aren’t even following their own strategic plan for the language and have had the head dude resign in protest at their treatment of Irish. There are record complaints about the provision of basic services through Irish. They even appointed a minister for the Gaeltacht who can’t even speak it. Comedy gold.


What is bullshit?

The Gaeltacht is supported because of the Irish language.

Can you please address the many millions spent on broadcasting, teaching, translators et cetera.

You don’t want to as someone close to you clearly has their snout in the trough.

You are obviously delighted with the status quo which is hilarious.

Pivoting over to calling for euthanasia and dropping in Fine Gael for some bizarre reason into your posts is just pathetic deflection. A minister not speaking Irish is not going to make a difference.

We have had decades of the Irish language lobby getting their way and number of Irish speakers is disgraceful.

sfira are a highly misogynist organistaion, its treatment of women over the years has been gas. between murdering young mothers or ‘disappearing’ them as it became known. Raping young girls and making them sit in front of kangaroo courts made up of dirty auld men in from a days diesel laundering. hiding other paedos and rapists and finding them roles and jobs while ostracisng the victims.
its no wonder that when the time came and they were obliged to portray themselves as some sort of modern all inclusive political party that they are stuck with lightweights like O’Neill and mary lou.