The north/really good looking fellas


She was soft in the head

That unionist terrorist with the shaved head was some scumbag

What documentary is this, chaps?


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Michael Stone’s Miltown operation was my Favorite attacks of the 1980’s, the RUC were very brave to go in and save him


Do you have a top 5?

Their ‘courage’ in this instance contrasted sharply with the assistance they offered to Robert Hamil in portadown


@Tassotti I’d googling like fuck here @glenshane.Go easy on him when he comes back.


@Tassotti trying hard, that’d be a surprise :rofl:

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Is he only messin’ or is he not wise at all at all

He’s one of those creatures that lives under bridges.

Right. Some spake about Milltown though, if he was in anyway serious…

Are you a pretend ira lad aswell? How come none of your boys never had the audacity or courage to pull off an operation like that? Ye prefer blowing up children hiding behind a ditch a mile away

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  1. I’m not a pretend anything.
  2. I don’t know what ‘boys’ of mine you’re referring to.
  3. I don’t share your admiration or approbation of stone.
  4. I don’t share your glee regarding attacking a funeral or children.

That should be enough for you to reflect on the amount of error, stupidity and thick headedness you managed to cram into one short post. Then you might start to wonder about the rest of what you have to offer.

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Nobody takes him seriously mate

Me neither, it’s futile to expect more from a pig than a grunt- but even pigs deserve some respect

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You’re far too smart for this lad, I wouldn’t expect a reply. He’s a Walter Mitty living in squalor somewhere in the UK

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As I walked through the Glenshane Pass,
I heard a young girl mourn…

Christ above…