The north/really good looking fellas

I suppose you’ve seen a few loyalist youths on the television, so you know what you’re talking about…

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And what would you know about Loyalist youths? You might as well be in Kinshasa as Dungiven for all the insight you’d get into Loyalist youths there.

You’re away with the fairies if you think Loyalism and Unionism is going to quietly accept a united Ireland.

I’m not in Dungiven. I worked with a loyalist led community group for a few years. I live here.
You’ve a television?


So what you’re saying is that you’re shit at your job, yes?

Because that’s the obvious implication if you genuinely think what you think.

The whistle’s gone and you’re off on a solo run.
Wtf are you on about?

Sidney in a nutshell


Was going through a bag of old coins earlier and came across this


Bar the UVF scribe on it aren’t those coins meant to be worth a few bob nowadays?

Na, the only one worth anything decent is the 1943 Florin.

@sidney can you remember how these Italy 90 coins were collected? Was it with petrol? I can remember the cardboard booklet for holding them.

The miles of Peace Walls suggest there is a way to go yet before the Loyalists would sign up to Dublin rule.

Big odds about a handful of ghettos. The same walls suggest the current state of affairs isn’t working

They were Esso coins. I had/may still have the cardboard fold out holder for them in an attic in Dublin. I don’t think I filled it out but I definitely collected a good few of them. Definitely had the Packie Bonner and Chris Hughton ones anyway.

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Have you any of the inflatable shamrocks that Jacob’s used to give with Kimberly , mikado and coconut creams .

Jack used to do an ad .


Time wouldn’t be kind on them .

In Joseph O’Connor’s 1994 World Cup diary there’s an anecdote about how a man sitting next to him on the bus to the Norway game in Giants Stadium was carrying a blow up sex doll, and that on the bus back, the doll looked distinctly the worse for wear.

Yer man KillianM2 posted a clip from RTE’s coverage of that tournament the other day in which the camera focusses on such an inflatable doll at one of the games in Orlando.

I’d like to think it was the same chap with the same doll.

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Rory has very fairly legs.

You’ll get the hang of the English one of these days