The north/really good looking fellas


Who is little emma

Not in the DUP. Nothing shames them

Emma Little Pengelly. From good loyalist gun running stock

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Stories of Ian Ogs womanising are legendary at this stage. Can’t keep it in the pants by all accounts. Little Emma is a sexy woman so I say fair play


Maiden speech indeed!
The Belfast telegraph had their eye on the ball

Brazen fucker. 56k over the course of two trips is some going.

Lobbying against a human rights investigation involving the deaths of around 160,000 people. Sickening behaviour from someone I thought had something to him

I’d march up and down her front lawn no probs.

Harold Wilson had a point when he called loyalists spongers

Ah yeah but he’s asked for forgiveness so it’s ok.

I think that’s per trip. I read earlier in week it was over 100k

Harold Wilson called ulster loyalists spongers in 1974 . He was spot on . A better word used more today is parasites . The DUP make Fianna Fáil look like choirboys .

“The economy of Northern Ireland, in terms of GDP per capita, is further behind the Republic today than was the case between East Germany and West Germany in 1989. Bridging the two Irish economies in a newly unified state might take decades, as was and continues to be the case in Germany. But there are few Germans today that argue that unification wasn’t worth the expense.”

I’m looking forward to being “propped up” by.your taxes. No hard feelings lads!

I suppose the difference here maybe the Brits pumping in money over a period of time while the transition happens.

Ye’ll take to it like ducks to water after so long with the cap out for the Queens shilling

The North is tiny, if it ever came to it the EU or the UK could prop them up for a few years while they got going. They could use their NHS hospitals to treat some of our back log as part of the agreement.
A few roads, a few gay marriages and soon a few abortions and they’ll be right as rain


Couple of multi-nationals open up offices up there also — place be economic mecca. Those Orange bastards will then have very little to complain about except obesity, the price of a hair cut and S&C.