The north/really good looking fellas

Can’t ref republicans calling for extermination of Protestant’s never happened


[quote=“chocolatemice, post:1840, topic:11573”]
That’s a great post mouse. Having read a few books on the history of northern England though, I don’t think the English property owning classes treated their own poor much better. It was class war with a bit extra for

Plenty starved in their own country at the time. Plenty starve in relatively rich countries even now.

Nobody died, why can’t people get that into their stupid heads? A million and a half Irish starved to death, and not one on the mainland. Why is that so hard for some Irish people to process?

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They all had soup

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Correct, made from grain shipped from Ireland.
To feed their hungry.
Are you starting to get why it was deliberate?

Grain soup doesn’t sound great, I pictured the prods stirring up big cauldrons of oxtail or creamy vegetable

You still don’t get it, a million to a million and a half of your ancestors starved to death, eating grass by the roadside. While foodstuff was transported passed them to feed the starving on the mainland.
Your search for humor in this tragedy and lack of empathy is telling.


You’re lucky you’re here at all, @backinatracksuit

Unless they are not his ancestry of course.

I come from a long line of fishermen,

Now why don’t you relax a small bit, the famine was a tragedy but nobody gives a fuck about your 21st century feuds and vendettas

Cork’s loyalist British mindset starting to peep it’s head through now, was only a matter of time.


Tut tut

Tut tut says the free stater - boy in blue

You need to keep up mate, it’s former boy in blue. Were you always this far behind everyone else?

Blue shirt always

Long memories ref ye cowards at the hunger strike marches in Dublin

Battering kids/ old/ young, fucking RUC with a different name

I’d happily batter the fuck out of the likes of you any day of the week. One of the plus sides of the job.

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See thick stupid ignorant country boy Garda - always comes to the fore - remember buddy no other thickos to mind you now