The Official TFK Bury FC and other dead football clubs thread

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Bury gonzo. Bolton have a two week extension, but looks like a buyer will be found before then

What happens with Bury’s fixtures now? Are the opponents awarded 3 points or is there just an odd number of teams in the league table now

Fuck Bury.

Great to see Sky Sports “Trying to help the club”

you’d need your head examined to invest in a football club id imagine unless it was for money laundering purposes

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BTW that C and N sporting risk are a rather sinister looking organisation- they didnt seem convinced they could make Bury predictable anyway…

C&N Sporting Risk combines its expertise in predictive modelling with the demands of multi-million-pound organisations in professional sports, to offer a niche and exciting product portfolio, designed to meet the needs of each of its individual clients.

23 teams in the league and only 3 instead of 4 go down

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No mention of it elsewhere. RIP Macclesfield.

@flattythehurdler you and your mates should pitch in a few bob and be the new Salford


Sad news

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More to follow no doubt with the way things are

The Goat destroyed them in 98.

My mate Matty is actually interested.

Change the name to Mattysfield

We’ll get Messi in on a percentage of the gate.

To build houses on the ground?

He used play for them, him and his brother.

Is there a directors box in Macclesfield for a TFK knees up?