The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

A boat for a start.

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Crabs (the rowing kind)

Drugs. Again.

Punitive measures applicable to our prison system.

Irish gangland crime and how to beat the rap therein.

Determining the fitness levels of intercounty GAA players.

No takers on purchasing firearms yet.

Body mechanics after a shoulder is thrown

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy - MRNA vaccines and sock wanking.

Do we have a resident EU261 resident?

@Batigol or @TheUlteriorMotive

I’ve successfully claimed money under it but I’m not an expert.

If it’s connecting flights does it depend on end destination (inside EU) or connection (broken brexit britain)

Once it leaves or lands in EU country it should apply

Connecting shouldn’t matter i think

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That’s a great word. I had to look it up but it could go in the title of this forum.


China. Especially China in the 1940s.

Poland. Especially its veracity when recounting world war 2 events.

Bent Gardai


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The heavyweight boxing division